Go Brazil!!

On Tue, 2 Jul 2002, Marlon Menezes wrote:

> This is it folks. The last 8 years have been rough and I will not tolerate such 
>obscenities against the German soccer team for the following 4 years.
> I have no choice but to update the goanet filters to block out all 
>anti-german/pro-brazilian comments on goanet. We have young impressionable minds on 
>this mailing list and it is time to educate all our young goanese children that 
>Brazilch is not the center of the soccer universe. It is very troubling to see so 
>many goanetters (not to mention every member of my family) have this misguided notion 
>of Brazilian soccer. The rot has to stop now!
> Goanetters who fail to abide by these policies will be made to wear a German soccer 
>jersey and chant Deutschland uber alles every time they post on goanet.
> Marlon
> Germany, World Cup champions, 2006

Tariq Siddiqui
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