Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network
'Congress will soon rule treasury benches'
For Mormugao MLA Karl Vaz, representing the constituency runs in the family.
Following the footsteps of his father and ex-minister John Manuel Vaz,
Karl entered the 2002 assembly polls and went on to defeat family foe,
Shaikh Hassan Haroon.

In fact, the Sheikh-Vaz tussle has been the hallmark of the Mormugao elections
in recent times. Shaikh Hassan won in 1989, but lost to John Manuel Vaz in 
Shaikh Hassan re-captured the seat in 1999, but lost to John Manuel's son 
Karl in 2002.

In an interview with Herald, the Mormugao MLA claims that his priorities
for the constituency include the rehabilitation of the Tariwada landslide 
affected families
and measures to abate the nuisance of dust pollution in the area.

What was your secret magic formula for defeating a seasoned politician in 
these elections?
I had no secret formula. It is only the fact that the people believed me
when I promised development. Shaikh Hassan Haroon has been fooling the people
with empty promises for years and people were fedup with his lies.

Now that you are elected as Mormugao MLA, what are your priorities?
My first priority just now is to see that the affected persons of the 
Tariwada landslide
are rehabilitated at the earliest. It is a shame that the previous MLA and 
in the BJP government has just neglected them although he was chairman
of the rehabilitation committee.

I recollect your assurance given during your election campaign that you intend
to tackle dust pollution. How do you intend to go about it?
I have already asked the MPT, Deputy Collector and Health officials to 
convene a meeting
to chalk out and discuss ways and means. I have also asked my office to 
the present legislation on this subject. If necessary, to explore amendments
to the act or rules in this regard.

The four-lane highway work carried out by the Border Road Organisation
under the guidance from Mormugao Port Trust has slowed down when it reached
the crucial stretch from Baina to Tarriwaddo. What do you intend to do to
see that the work gets on once again?
I have already asked my office to convene a meeting of all officials 
concerned to accelerate
the process so that the bottlenecks are cleared.

Would you continue from where your father  the ex-urban development minister
left off, as far as cleaning up of Baina is concerned?
The actions of my father in respect to the red-light Baina has been 
The Baina movement for the restoration of the beauty of the beach and 
making it available
to public use without nuisance, was much before he became the minister.
As far as the red-light area, his objective as the minister was to reduce 
the nexus
of criminal elements with the red-light area and to improve and ameliorate 
the woes
of the unfortunate women. My approach at this juncture will be to evolve 
action by consensus,
to encourage the NGOs working in these areas and to involve the authorities
to improve the living conditions.

But do you have anything concrete in mind when it comes to the infamous 
red-light area?
The Baina area is notified as a slum and there is are large amounts of 
funds for slum improvement.
There are funds for improvement of housing, drainage, etc and if these 
funds are utilised properly,
the area will see a drastic change. I intend to see that the funds are 
utilised properly.

As a newcomer into politics, will you be able to understand the needs of 
the people?
I am no newcomer to politics.

If given a chance to join any ruling party, what will be your stance?
I am already in the ruling party, the party that is ruling the opposition.
The time is not far when our party will rule the treasury benches.

Do you feel now that you are in the opposition, development and other works
in Mormugao will be hampered?
Being in the opposition does not mean that development of the constituency 
will not take place.
In fact, to queries in my speech on the motion of budget, the chief 
minister had assured
that no constituency, whether in opposition or otherwise, would be neglected.

Statistics indicate that there is an increase in malaria cases in Baina.
How will you tackle this problem?
With the improvement of drainage in the slums, the problems of water-logging,
which gives rise to malaria, will reduce.

The foundation stone for the Indoor complex and land filling was undertaken
a few years ago. There has been no progress since then.
What do intend to do about it?
If you will recall, the indoor complex and land filling was undertaken by 
my father
at a time when he was an independent MLA and not in the ruling party.
On the other hand, I belong to the Congress which is presently the second 
largest party.
So I see no great problem in ensuring the fructification of the Indoor complex.
HERALD  27/6/02  page 3

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