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--- Begin Message ---
Dear Mr. Correia,

I will no longer be posting to GoaNet.

Maybe I did overeach myself in more ways than one.

Just in clarification... I am still grateful for your levelheaded
intervention in the earlier 'suspension' issue. 

If I spoke harshly against you recently it was just a natural reaction to
you accusing me of having a 'split personality' and sending you unwelcome
personal e-mail. The issue of personal e-mail, specially, could have been
mentioned privately, I feel.

My apologies for that outburst. 

With regard to the debate matter. Your sources obviously are misinformed. I
am not a journalist or a reporter by any measure. My Almost-Live-Reports
are just ridiculous figments of my overactive imagination. 

I just saw a contradiction in terms when journalists fight against
censorship in one forum and accept censorship on another. 

The debate on censorship is as old as the written word. I do not want to go
into that again.

With my absence I am sure GoaNet will be 'buzzing with positive activity'

Adios and thanks again.


You need not worry. This is my last personal e-mail to you. Just to tie up
loose ends as it were.

Message: 15
   Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2002 08:33:13 -0700 (PDT)
   From: Eugene Correia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re:  Note to Cecil

I must clarify what Paddy said. I didn't support Cecil
but I just felt the whole issue was dragged on for too
long. I thought maybe Cecil overeached himself and, on
the other hand, the admin team was adamant to take him
back for reasons the admin team explained.
It was bit of a relief that the issue was buried and
goanet was buzzing with positive activity. Till Cecil
Either you bury the hatchet, at least for a reasonable
time or till one of the parties is provoked into
counter-attack, or keep the issue going on till one of
the paries tires out. What was achieved on goanet was
a compromise but, sadly, it didn't last long. Cecil
had assured he was going to play by the rules.
Now he portrays me as a lackey of the High Command
which, for him, is the admin team. Netters can judge
for themselves if in my postings during the whole ugly
episode I was doing it at the bidding of the High
It does show Cecil's "personality" when he privately
thanked me for my efforts but on goanet he berated 
me. I'm no "pop psychologist" but I judge people by
their dealings with me. 
Cecil can provoke me, and I do feel like hitting back.
But I think it's not worth it. But on the issue of
journalism ethics, censorship or any related matter,
I'm ready to debate Cecil. Not on goanet but goajourno
forum where it rightly belongs.


--- End Message ---

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