Friends ,

It gives me great pleasure in sharing  with you a message I have recieved
from Raul Fernandes from Dubai , If after reading this post you feel you
to write to make further enquiries , please do not hesitate to contact
Mr.Raul Fernandes at

Please do share your thoughts on the various forums you belong to and
I will be happy to pass your comments to Raul too.


rene barreto

Our company Gulf International Promotions (for sports and Entertainment) is
based in Dubai. We specialize in organizing various sports and entertainment
events. Our major projects are held during the Dubai Shopping Festival where
thousands of sportsmen and sportswomen take part in various sports
activities. We also organize international events and have the honour of
being the first organizers to bring a Goan football team to Dubai to play in
a tournament that consisted of Al Wasl Club of Dubai, Kerala Police of
Kerala, Old Bens Club of Sri Lanka and Churchill Brothers of Goa. The
tournament was a large success with Al Wasl defeating Churchill Brothers in
the final.

In the year 2000 we sponsored the UAE Goan team that participated in the
Mini Goan World Cup held in Margao and Duler in Goa, India. We were unlucky
to loose in the final to the Hosts Goa on penalty kicks. The Tournament was
organized by a body called Goans International and was scheduled to be held
every two years. We have not as yet heard of the tournament to be held and
have been given to understand that the organizing body does not exist as a
body any more. This is unfortunate but things such as these do happen.

We at Gulf International Promotions would like to revive the tournament and
are planning to organize it here in Dubai in March 2003. This will however
depend on the response we get from teams. We on our part will arrange for
visas to Dubai for players and families, we will make special arrangements
for subsidized hotel stay with meals, transport from airport to hotel and
ground and will negotiate with the airlines for special deals on airfares.

We should be grateful to receive your feedback and to know whether teams
would be interested in taking part. It would be useful to have a coordinator
from each country to liaise for the team/s that wish to participate. We
would like teams from all over the world to participate. Dubai is a
beautiful place to visit and the weather is great in March. Moreover it will
be a good opportunity for Goans from all over the world to meet and exchange
views. Who knows maybe a Goan convention can be held in this beautiful

You may log on to to get further information on
We should be grateful if teams would kindly send us tentative replies as
soon as possible to enable us to decide whether the tournament is feasible
or not. If it is, we will have to get the ball rolling immediately as we
will need all the time we can get to have a great tournament.
We look forward to your replies and any suggestions, ideas, will be more
than welcome.

We sincerely hope teams will be able to participate and help to keep up the
great Goan (sporting) name.

Yours Sportingly

Gulf International Promotions
United Arab Emirates.

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