Antonio Cabral popularly known as Tony Call is one of the well known Kuwait 
Goan tiatrists who before coming to Kuwait in November 1959 with Portuguese 
Passport as a citizen of India Portuguesa had acquired name and fame for him 
by acting in many Tiatros.  Not only in Goa with topmost professionals but 
also in Bombay he acted with topmost tiatrists of that time.  From the very 
early age in his Candolim Village at Orda St. Cruz Vaddo, Tony Call started 
showing small skits or dramas during the feasts of the Chapel of St. Cruz.  
During those days he was burning with fire to show his stage talent and 
organising such shows with no hired curtains but by using “sezareanchim 
chedram and kapddam”; with no hired chairs but “sezareanchim bankinam, 
stoolam ani kodelam; with no ticket but “funkott”.  From the early age he 
had great capacity to organize such shows with the participation of his 
colleagues.  Being one of his admirers the then great Tiatrist and “ghanv 
bhav” of Tony Call, the late Alexinho de Candolim first time inducted Tony 
Call into his Tiatr in 1951 when Tony Call was just a school boy, the tiatro 
was “To Bhavtto Dhormancho” which was the best tiatro of Alexinho de 
Candolim.  During those days people just used to flock to see Alexinho de 
Candolim’s tiatros and best of the tiatrists of those days were part of 
Alexinho’s drama, some of them were Aristedes Dias, M. Dod De Verna, Lucian 
Dias, Bom Jesus, Jacinto Vaz and Miss Julie.  In this tiatro Tony Call 
rendered one beautiful solo “Madr” which was composed by Alexinho de 
Candolim himself.  When he sang this song with his the then angelic 
appearance and melodious voice Tony Call’s fame went far and wide and 
immediately the late C. Alvares inducted him in his yet another best Tiatr 
“Jurament”.  During those days Candolim was the home of some of the topmost 
tiatrists, even the legendary Minguel Rod acquired “tiatristpon” when he 
mixed up with the then well known tiatrists from Candolim.  Minguel Rod that 
time was doing his tailoring apprenticeship at Candolim near the Church.

Before coming to Kuwait, Tony Call in 1958 came to Bombay when relationship 
between Goa and Bharat was not good.  The officials of the Bharati 
Government in Bombay were keeping strict vigil on Tiatrists in Bombay 
because during those days when Bharat Serkar was trying to forcibly capture 
Goa some of the Goan patriotic tiatrists were strongly opposing this move of 
Bharat Serkar, these tiatrists from the Stage were showing their disgust of 
Bharat Serkar’s ambition of forcibly annexing Goa.  For this reason Konkani 
stage that time was looked with suspicion by the Chamchas of Bharat Serkar 
who used only the Goans to do this chamchagiri.  Some of the tiatrists who 
were opposing Goa’s swallowing by Bharat were banned entry into Bombay and 
other parts of Bharat and those who were showing their opposition to Bharati 
dadagiri over Goa in the name of fake liberation were kept under strict 
surveillance, one of them was the late Kid Boxer who finally was deported to 
Goa.  Before coming to Bombay Tony Call rendered one song in Goa in praise 
of Portuguese and because of this Tony Call was also looked upon with 
suspicion in Bombay though Tony Call was a non-political artiste and he 
liked Goa and Goan ways of life very much. When he reached Bombay this news 
spread everywhere and immediately C. Alvares and others inducted Tony Call 
in their dramas though he did not last long in Bombay as he was preparing 
leaving for Kuwait.

When Tony Call came to Kuwait he first time acted in Ahmadi in 1961 at 
Naklistan Club in a drama staged by the then mighty tiatrists Joe Luis and 
Romaldo de Siolim. Then again he acted in Romaldo’s drama staged at Ahmadi’s 
Hubara Club in 1963 where he rendered solos.  Gradually the number of Goans 
working at Ahmadi Oil sector started thinning out and thereby Goan 
activities at Ahmadi started lessening.  Hence in late sixties Tony Call 
shifted his tiatros to Kuwait City at Church Hall where the late Bishop of 
Kuwait gave all the facilities for such programmes as he liked Goans very 
much for their simplicity.  In 1971 Tony Call staged at Church Hall his 
drama “Voklen Naddlo” followed by “Melelim Moronk Na”, both were instant 
success.  Earlier in 1971 he produced his Disc with Alfred & Rita Rose where 
he rendered beautiful songs - solos, duos and duets.  In 1975 he brought 
Alfred and Rita Rose to Kuwait who were the first visiting tiatrists to 
Kuwait and during their stay they staged their two tiatros – one: 
Angounnechi Vokol and the other: Bangaracho Hoti, both at Church Hall.

Tony Call had unique distinction of being the first Goan to perform on 
Kuwait TV and also first tiatrist to display his stage talent on Kuwait TV 
in early seventies when he rendered one Konkani solo and performed a duet 
with the then beautiful actress Theresa.  In mid seventies, Tony Call along 
with his wife Josephine participated in Arabic serial shown by Kuwait 
Television, this was another unique record Tony Call has created.

Regarding the ongoing tiatrists politics in Kuwait, Tony Call showed his 
total disgust for tiatrist using the terminology such as “To Aslear Aum 
Nachona”. According to Tony Call genuine tiatrists who want promotion of 
Konkani Stage and Konkani language will never use such anti-tiatr policies. 
He said during his time there were no such politics, everyone was 
co-operative to promote tiatro and thru Tiatro Konkani.  In Kuwait, this 
beautiful art of tiatro was promoted in many respects by Tony Call. Tony 
Call not only staged his dramas in Kuwait but also promoted new and young 
artistes. He is very much responsible for keeping tiatro alive in Kuwait. If 
some of the tiatrists in Kuwait became famous, it was only because of Tony 
Call who gave them opportunities to show their talent. Though Tony Call 
performed so much in Kuwait, he always appreciated the efforts of his 
colleagues in helping him to promote tiatro and showed great appreciation 
for Mendes Bros and F.X. Pereira for their performances on the stage and 
receiving total support from them.  He also showed his admiration for Alfred 
and Rita Rose and rated Alexinho de Candolim as all time great tiatrist. 
While concluding, Tony Call lamented that the present day tiatrists have 
totally forgotten oldies like him who have done so much for the cause of 
Konkani Tiatro.

As a metter of interest besides being a tiatirst, Tony Call was a very good 
soccer goalkeeper in Goa representing his school and village Team Candolim 
in 1st division.  During those days there were only two divisions-primeiro 
and Segundo, Candolim Team had a great team then having in its rank 4 
Portuguese Pakles from Aguada and all 4 were highly skillful.  The team 
strength was so great that time that all the opponents were afraid of 
Candolim and greater strength of this team was based on Tony Call under the 
bar.  Having no choice, once in Panjim, one Paklo out of desperation kicked 
Tony Call on his face and broke some of his teeth but Tony Call never let 
the ball slip from his hands.  Then gradually Tony Call stopped playing 
first class soccer.  His forte lies in diving for the ball from one end of 
the post to the other.

A.Veronica Fernandes,

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