In a message dated 07/10/2002 5:55:47 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< I do not feel particularly worthy to even undo their sandal straps. >>

Dear Joel:

It takes humility to appreciate greatness :)

And fools do thread where angels dread to pass :(

Some people are so colour conscious, that it almost becomes an obsession, 
which clouds the faculties.

Fred, if you and other papers were to stop the presses, we'd be degenerating 
back to the dark ages. Do, as the Karachi Dawn paper advocated: Be Bold, 
Proclaim the Truth -- They Only Live Who Dare.

If I had such an abhorrence for the "whitey," I wouldn't have been earning 
their dollars 
and at the same time continue a smear campaign. I would have proudly gone 
back to where I belong, feel assimilated and where my colour blended, than 
pass smitten remarks, without petulance.

Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA
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