1. As regards George Pinto's position about the Vatican's stand on non-white
and his alegation that   "miracles done by Blessed  Vaz are shelfed, and not
recognized, and hence no sainthood", I wonder where and how he found out
that Blessed Vaz's miracles have been shelved. I know for certain that the
Cause for his Canonisation is very much alive both in Goa and in Kandy but,
as I understand, the one important miracle that Vatican's Congregation for
the Causes of the Saints needs for recomending to the Holy Father the
canonisation of our "ganv-bhau" has not yet been reported and documented.

2. I shall not comment on the founder of Opus Dei having or not been a
fascist. Perhaps George has some proof of it.

3. George and other members of this d-list might like to know that a native
of Mexico, named Cuauhtlatoatzin (who on embracing catholicism adopted the
name of Juan Diego), who lived in the first half of the 16th century (died
in 1548), had also been forgotten for a long time (to the point of some
people even questioning if he really existed), but is going to be canonised
in this month of July without passing through the "Blessed" stage. Juan is
the person to whom Our Lady appeared at Guadalupe. He called the Lady "Most
Beautiful Girl", and Our Lady of Guadalupe is now recognised as Patroness of
Mexico and of entire Latin America.


----- Original Message -----
From: George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 10, 2002 4:16 PM
Subject: [Goanet] Re: Heroic lives

> --- "J. Almeida" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > That is why examples of virtuous lives (in this world)
> > are so encouraging to us. Please don't write about the
> > other world (unless you want to), but do let us have
> > some encouraging examples from this world (such as
> > Mother Teresa's work) from time to time. I will be
> > among those leading the applause for such encouraging
> > pieces.
> >
> Fred, Stop the presses ;-)  I am not interested in reading the heroic
works of white people as if
> people of color did not exist.  I have no business requesting you, but if
I may - let us have
> stories about people of color who are marginalized, sidelined and ignored,
even by our Goans.
> Some of us Goans do not care to see the world through the works and eyes
of white and western
> people as if legitimacy meant white only.
> Maybe a story on why 95+% of popes, cardinals, saints are whites or why
miracles done by Blessed
> Vaz are shelfed, and not recognized, and hence no sainthood while the
fascist Opus Dei founder is
> beatified.  If one is interested in truth (and really interested in truth
and not the
> holier-than-thou outbursts we have seen on these forums), then deal with
these issues without the
> excuses, without the apologies for the Vatican.
> Cheers,
> George

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