DECCAN HERALD * Saturday,  July 13, 2002 =20


Parrikar vows to stop Malaprabha project

>From Devika Sequeira
DH News Service
PANAJI, July 12

Sandwiched between two Congress-ruled states, Goa BJP Chief Minister
Manohar Parrikar appears set for a confrontation with both his
neighbours, Karnataka and Maharashtra, on the contentious issue of the
sharing of inter-state waters.

Mr Parrikar who is to lead an all-party delegation to Union Water
Resources Minister Arjun Sethi on July 26, to protest the Mahadayi
diversion, made it plain that he would go all out to stop Karnataka from
going ahead with the Malaprabha project because it lacked an
environmental clearance.

"I will use all the mechanisms at my disposal, including appealing to the
Supreme Court and agitational methods to stop the project, which will
cause irreversible damage to Goa's wildlife and its environment," he said.

An ingress of saline waters would have a severe impact on Goa's forests,
agriculture and fishing. The Goa chief minister argues that Karnataka's
assessment of the Malaprabha project is based on "incorrect and outdated
data", and accuses his neighbour of propagating an "artifical water
scarcity" in the Hubli-Dharwad region, to force the Central government's
hand on the issue.

In April, Mr B N Nawalawa, secretary in the Ministry of Water Resources,
granted Karnataka "in principle clearance" to divert 7.56 tmc of water
from Kalsa/Haltar Nalla project and the the Bhandur Nalla project to the
Malaprabha river.=20

Mr Parrikar has termed the decision "mischievous" and has sought the
secretary's suspension for his "exceeding his authority". Goa has asked
the Central ministry to withhold the in principle clearance till it
presents its case to the Central Water Commission.

The Goa government is also set to review the Tillari irrgation project it
shares with Maharashtra. Goa which has so far spent Rs 280 crore on the
project has not seen a drop of water flow into the canals.

The project is shared on a 23:77 per cent basis between the states, with
Goa having the larger share.

The Goa government which was criticised by Maharashtra Chief Minister
Vilasrao Deshmukh for failing to pay up its share, would have to cough up
another Rs 370 crore to see the project through. An annoyed Mr Parrikar
said he had "no trust" in the Maharashtra government on the project's
financial aspect.=20

"I have no way of knowing if our funds are being properly utilised." The
project's parametres had also changed since its inception in 1991.


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