
The Hags are ugly, smell and their favourite pastime is torturing human
beings. Unfortunately they rule Goa...

...Rajun and Anuj are travelling to Goa for what they think will be their
annual family summer holiday, whilst in Goa they develop magic powers, talk
to dead saints and fight for the freedom of the people of Goa -not the
normal kind of family holiday!

BOOK REVIEW. Title: Towards The Light Fantastic -- Part 1: The Fight for
Freedom Author: Simon James Collier Published by: The Okai Collier Company
Limited ISBN: 1-901155-01-3 Price: £3.99 Reviewer: Joanne Tillman.
M2 Best Books. 26 July 2002.

'The Fight for freedom' is part one in the series 'Towards the Light
Fantastic', the series is the story of two young lads - the "chosen one's" -
from Loughborough, UK and their journey towards the Light Fantastic. There
are five books altogether in the series and number two is ready to be
published in March 2003.

If part one is anything to go by this series will prove to be a fabulous
read. The text is written in an easy to understand, fast and exciting style
and the author (Simon James Collier) explains everything in a plain and
simple language that is easy to follow. The reader knows who is who and what
is going on at all times.

Firstly Collier explains who each character is and what they have to do with
the story. The story is based in Goa and begins (700 years ago) with the
tale of the Hags. Hags are both male and female in one body. They are ugly,
smell and their favourite pastime is torturing human beings. Unfortunately
they rule Goa at the time.

Mikey the wizard is the good guy. He invents the Sacred Freedom stone that
can cure humans of their ailments but, as this stone can only cure a few
humans once a year, Mikey decides to cast a spell over the Hags and send
them millions of miles away to Nowhere (which is somewhere but no-one knows

Now the adventure begins. Somehow the Hags get hold of the Sacred Freedom
Stone and are threatening to come back to Goa and take over again. The
stone, however, can be saved and is protected by Guardians (though obviously
they weren't doing their jobs properly the day the stone got taken) who have
a plan for emergencies. This is where the "chosen ones" come in.

Rajun and Anuj are travelling to Goa for what they think will be their
annual family summer holiday, whilst in Goa they develop magic powers, talk
to dead saints and fight for the freedom of the people of Goa -not the
normal kind of family holiday! This is not the end of their adventure though
as they will have these gifts for the rest of their lives and must use them
in their journey with Mikey the magician Towards the Light Fantastic.

This book is obviously aimed at children. It has a feel-good factor where
good always prevails over evil and you are transported into a world of
fantasy where all these fabulous characters become your friends (except the
Hags). This is the kind of text that I believe is ideal for children, the
baddies are not too bad, which is helped by the fact that the author makes
fun of them, so children will not have nightmares. The heroes are the same
as the children that are reading it - they live normal everyday lives and do
normal everyday things. It's just that sometimes they have to have a break
to save the world.

CONCLUSION:Definitely recommended and a bargain at just GBP3.99.

Title: Towards The Light Fantastic -- Part 1: The Fight for Freedom Author:
Simon James Collier Published by: The OkaiCollier Company Limited ISBN:
1-901155-01-3 Price: £3.99 Reviewer: Joanne Tillman

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