----- Original Message -----
From: Tony Correia-Afonso
To: rene barreto
Sent: Saturday, July 27, 2002 10:30 PM


On the occasion of World Goa Day, which this year is being celebrated
as WORLD GOAN HERITAGE DAY, I extend to all fellow-Goans wherever they
may be in the four corners of the world, fraternal greetings and best wishes
for the success of the many functions that are being organised all over
the world to mark this unique event. I take this opportunity to congratulate
Rene Barreto in particular for conceiving the idea and all the others
involved in promoting it among the Goan community at large.

As many may be aware, "Goan Cultural Heritage" was the theme of
last year's International Goan Convention of the World Wide Goans, of which
I had the honour and privilege of being the President. Whatever may be our
differences on various issues affecting our homeland, there is no doubt that
the common cultural heritage that we all share provides a strong bond which
unites us all. If we do not strive to preserve this heritage and let it
slide ino oblivion, we will lose our identity as Goans.

On this occasion, therefore, let us all resolve to make the necessary
effort to maintain and promote our great heritage!

--- Tony Correia-Afonso

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