I am pleased to send forthwith the English translations of 2 news items
from the sunday (28/JUL/2002) edition of the Portuguese daily "Diario de
 Noticias" (Lisbon).



 A group of over forty persons of the biggest and oldest religions of the
world will meet in Portugal between August 7 and 11, to discuss the defense
of children's rights and their education in favour of peace. This meeting
will take place at Linda-a-Pastora in the suburbs of Lisbon, with the
participation of catholics, orthodox, protestants, jews, muslims, hindus and
buddhists. The meeting has been convened by the "Pro-Children Global Network
of Religions", a movement created by the Japan-based NGO Arigatou

2 - HINDUS COMMEMORATE 20 YEARS IN PORTUGAL - Main spiritual leaders at
world level associated themselves to the commemorations initiated yesterday

Sant Shri Morari Bapu and Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji are two of the main
leaders of the Hindu religion who are in Portugal to associate themselves to
the festivities which mark the 20 years of this community in our country.

The opening ceremony took place yesterday at the Radha-Krishna temple in
Lisbon, presided over by the Mayor Pedro Santana Lopes. The religious rites
were presided over by the Ambassador of India (Ms Madhu Badhuri).

To welcome the main spiritual leaders means, to the Portuguese Hindu
community, to live one of the highest moments of their theological life. It
is like the Catholics welcoming the Pope.

 Sant Shri Morari Bapu is a respected specialist in Hindu scriptures and a
renowned world-level orator. Up to (August) 4th he will be every day in the
temple, between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., reciting the 'Ramayan', one of the most
important epics of that religious tradition, which narrates the story,
message and teachings of Rama, a divine incarnation of great devotion.

His Holiness Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji (Muniji), leader of one of the
most important spiritual institutions of India and one of the most respected
spiritual leaders of that country, will present the recital of 'Katha',
having by his side Kantilal Jamnadas, president of the Hindu Community and
its spokesman in Portugal.

'Katha', which means Divine Story, is a spiritual epics novena which has
been assembling thousands of faithful whenever it is recited, either in
India or anywhere else in the world. The big affluence of believers is also
justified by the fact that, according to tradition, to witness the reading
of the story, life and message of the divine incarnations allows one to
attain the path of peace and salvation.

It is to be referred that, in the scope of these commemorations, besides a
series of programmes of cultural nights and excursions to historical sites,
a pilgrimage to the sanctuary of Fatima is also envisaged. The Virgin (Mary)
is revered as a divine figure by some members of the community.

These celebrations take place at a time of great hope for the believers.
According to the religious calendar, right now one is entering the era of
'Kalki' which evokes technology and futurology. Hinduism believes that an
incarnation of God on the earth is near, for the salvation of humanity. Thus
they expect to witness the reinstatement of certain values like
understanding, tolerance, respect, morality, sense of family, etc.

 The community, numbering eight thousand members in Portugal, will continue
the festivities until the 4th. About five thousand people are expected at
the temple over this weekend, and the presence of around three thousand on
any other day.

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