In a message dated 8/10/02 11:52:12 AM Pacific Standard Time, EdgarStmartins 

 <<      This is taken from Leo's posting to me:
 The only thing you told me about Frederick Noronha was that his wife was
 so and so (by the way what is her name?).  I have NOT used
 anything what you told me (and typical of your habit  you
 do not say anything!) about him.  Infact, I have not even
 kept in touch with him or his cousin Milton Rodrigues of UK. Good
 riddance to bad rubbish.
      I had gone to see Fred some months ago, at his home in Saligao and he 
berated me for telling Leo Rebello something that he claims Leo used against 
him. When asked to clarify, he evaded the issue. I remember telling him that 
Leo Rebello did not know that Pamela DeMello was his wife as she goes by her 
maiden name. When I met Leo before this, I remember reminding him that Pamela 
was Fred's wife. He had, he informed me, had some disagreement with an 
article she wrote criticising the CM, Manohar Parrikar on a political matter 
she had written in the Asian Age. He was then unaware that Pamela DeMello was 
Fred's wife.
       I have tried to get Fred to clarify his accusation without success.
      In June, of this year I asked Fred Noronha to unsubscribe me from the 
net. He curtly wrote back telling me to go through the normal procedure and 
get myself unsubscribed. I wrote to Vivianna asking her to unsubscribe me and 
left town. I returned to find postings by Joel and Fred in my letterbox which 
was cluttered and this has caused me to be unsubscribed from Hotmail. I have 
been getting postings from Fred and Joel at both my AOL and Hotmail 
addresses. Furthermore, I can read Joel's news bulletins by going to Hence, I feel I do not wish to receive  postings  that I can 
easily download from the Internet to keep my inward mail  free from being 
        Last month, while riding in Panaji on my scooter, I was surprised to 
find Fred beside me and I stopped to chat with him but he kept nagging about 
me having told Leo Rebello something I had heard from his mouth. When asked 
to explain, he stammered and could not remember what it was that I had 
informed Leo Rebello. I was in a quandary as I could not remember telling Leo 
Rebello anything that could be considered personal or if I had made up a 
story to defame Fred. Now again, he is attempting to expose his Miltonesque 
mind by claiming that I cannot make up my mind whether I ought to join goanet 
or not. 
        I want to be a member of goanet but if possible, I do not wish to get 
postings that I can download from the net. I had requested my good friend 
Eddie Fernandes to subscribe me on goanet which he in turn routed my request 
to Fred. Fred, I sincerely trust, you should stop acting like a Bai Zoo-an 
and act like a man. Remove the mask you are wearing and come clean and 
explain yourself. Answer my question "What is it that I told Leo Rebello that 
annoyed you, was it a lie and if there is any truth to what I told Leo, can 
you not have it out with Leo"? 
         I refuse to be a scapegoat for your inadequacies.
     Edgar Martins 
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