A Baptist man lived in a traditional Catholic neighborhood.Every Friday, 
the Catholics were driven crazy because, while they were morosely eating 
fish, the Baptist was outside barbecuing steaks.The Catholics worked on the 
Baptist, attempting to convert him to Catholicism. Finally, after much 
pleading and some threats, the Catholicssucceeded.  They took the Baptist to 
a priest who sprinkled Holy Water on the man while saying, "Born a Baptist, 
Raised a Baptist, Now a Catholic!"The Catholics were ecstatic but this was 
short-lived for, the next Fridayevening, the scent of barbecue once again 
drifted through the neighborhood.The Catholics all rushed to the ex-Baptist's 
house to remind him of his newdiet.They found him standing over the cooking 
steaks, sprinkling water on the meat and saying, "Born a cow, Raised a cow, 
Now a fish!"_

    Edgar Martins___________________
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