goanet-digest        Saturday, August 17 2002        Volume 01 : Number 4225

In this issue:

    [Goanet] GOANS of Tanga, Tanzania, are celebrating the GOA DAY 
    [Goanet] NEWS-GOA: I-Day public shooed away
    [Goanet] GOANS OF TANZANIA - .................ARUSHA 
    [Goanet] My web page
    [Goanet] NEWS FROM PAKISTAN - Renewed pledge to protect non-Muslims

  See end of digest for information on subscribing/unsusbcribing.


Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 06:39:32 -0700
From: "rene barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] GOANS of Tanga, Tanzania, are celebrating the GOA DAY 

- ----- Original Message ----- 

From: "kalpna rebello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

GOAN HERITAGE DAY celebrated by Tanga, Tanzania

Hi Rene,

Allow me to congratulate and commend you for your
efforts in promoting unity and solidarity among the
Goans in different parts of the world. CONGRATULATION!

We in Tanga, Tanzania, are celebrating the GOA DAY on
Sunday 18th August, 2002, at the TANGA INSTITUTE
(formerly Goan Institute) from 1 p.m. onwards, with
lunch, Goan Cultural dances and skits, Tombola and

In commemoration of this very special day, I take this
opportunity to say on behalf of the Goan Community of



Lazarus Rebello

St. Xavier's Society (Goan Community)


Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 00:42:20 +0530 (IST)
From: Frederick Noronha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] NEWS-GOA: I-Day public shooed away

I-DAY: PUBLIC SHOOED AWAY [Times of India, Aug 16, 2002]

Times News Network

Panaji: For parents accompanying their children to the Independence Day
function near the state secretariat here, it was a strange experience. The
police did not allow them anywhere near the venue for security reasons.

While there was no threat from any organisation, the entire area was
cordoned off much before the function began. Members of the public were
asked to stand half a kilometre away from the venue.

Only those people with invitation cards were allowed to enter and occupy
the seat after a security check. Such invitations were given to ministers,
MLAs, government officers and other employees besides freedom fighters and
chosen BJP activists.

Several citizens told the police that they would stand and watch the
function where Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar would hoist the tricolour,
but the police did not budge.

A senior police official, however, said there was no threat but the
bandobust was a routine exercise. As it was a state-level function, the
department had taken extra precautions.


Times News Network

Panaji: More than a thousand school children on Thursday took out a
'Prabhat Feri' (morning procession) in Panaji city on the occasion of
Independence Day celebrations.

After the procession they all joined the state function near the State
Secretariat, where they got drenched due to a mild shower before the flag

The children were not provided any shelter but were made to stand by the
side of th eroad to watch the ceremony. (ENDS)


Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 07:10:10 -0700
From: "rene barreto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] GOANS OF TANZANIA - .................ARUSHA 

Goemkars !

On the occasion of International Goa Day, my wife Pervin joins me in
wishing all of you a very Happy International Goa Day!!  Please extend our
felicitations to the other Goans in London who may be knowing us.

We are celebrating Goa Day at the club in Arusha with a disco dance, Bingo,
Speeches, a Jumble sale and Booz!!

Best Regards,


Wildersun Safaris
Postal Address: P.O.Box 2587 Arusha,  Tanzania.
Physical Add:  Plot 29 / E,  Joel Maeda Road, Arusha, Tanzania.
Office Telephone: 2548847  2548849  2503880  2502491 2503571
Mobile Number: 255 744 287 666
Home Telephone: 2544589          FAX:  2548223
International Dialing Code: 255 27
Code when dialing from Kenya:  007 27
E-Mail address:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Visit our Web site at:  http://www.wildersun.com


Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 21:58:13 -0400
From: "Chrystal Gomes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] My web page

Hi there,

How about visiting my web page when you have a moment.  I would welcome any
feedback you may have.  

I know the advertisements on the free websites are somewhat intrusive and
annoying, but this 'starving artist/comic' hopes that you will overlook this
little problem.


Thanks.  Have a wonderful weekend.

Bye for now,


Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 07:05:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: Robin Fernandez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] NEWS FROM PAKISTAN - Renewed pledge to protect non-Muslims


LAHORE: Pakistan on Friday renewed its pledge to
protect the lives and assets of non-Muslims in the
face of armed attacks against Christians. 

Rana Ejaz Ahmed, a provincial law minister, told
members of the Minorities Advisory Council at a
meeting Friday that the government would exercise
greater vigilance towards the minority communities.

But he pointed out that community policing was needed
at this hour to combat crime and protect vulnerable
groups. The minister said that in the past too the
government had shown respect for the constitutional,
legal and social rights of all non-Muslims in

"We will continue to ensure these rights,"
Ahmed told council members.  According to the
minister, the government had made it easier for the
minorities to enter the mainstream through the
introduction of the joint electorate system.

Ahmed extolled the virtues of the Christian community
for its pioneering role in the health and education
sectors of the country. He also recalled that
Christian members of the united Punjab Assembly had
voted in favour of the creation of Pakistan. 

Friday's meeting was attended by Minority Advisory
Council members M M Shad, Dr Munnawar Chand and 
Jacqueline Tressler. A resolution was passed on behalf
of the religious minorities that they would build with
the help of the government the edifices of a
progressive, emancipated and welfare-oriented society.

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Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 06:29:24 +0530
From: "Devesh Darshan Investments Pvt Ltd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Indians For Secular & Harmonious India

35 CCI Chambers, Bombay 400 020 Email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                              Monday, August 12, 2002

 Mr. Lyngdoh
 The Election Commission of India
 Sardar Patel Chowk
 New Delhi, India

 Dear Mr. Lyngdoh:
                    Reference: When To Hold Gujarat Elections?

          We the undersigned Individuals and Organizations are all
Indian citizens and are working for the Motherland in more than one way.

Let us share with you the shame that we felt at the killing of innocent
people in Gujarat.  What has anguished us is the unprecedented barbarity
that was visited upon the helpless people of Gujarat mostly Muslim men,
women and children.
The brutality of rape, killing and burning of living people are truly
crimes against humanity.  Neither a Hindu nor a Muslim can carry out
such pogrom against innocent people. The perpetrators of such crimes are
neither Hindus nor Muslims.  They are criminals who have gone mad.
The whole world was shocked that members of the ruling party and the
Sangh Parivar instigated the killing and worse yet it was defended by
the leading BJP party stalwarts like the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr. L.
K. Advani and even the Prime Minister Mr. Vajpayee did a flip flop on
criticizing the inhuman barbarity done under his party=92s Chief Minister,
Mr. Narendra Modi.
If, BJP is allowed to go to the polls under such tragic circumstances,
to cash the votes of misled Hindus with the possibility of winning the
election, then India as country will be finished. =20
The same rape, murder and killing of the state will be the norm in other
states, where BJP cannot win on its own merit.
You and your colleagues have taken an oath to uphold the Constitution of
India and in reality so has all the citizens of India, regardless of
where we live.
You must not succumb to any or all pressures on you to allow early polls
when 100,000 are homeless, thousands have fled to other states and many
cannot return their own homes for fear of their lives.
Therefore, you cannot allow yourself to become a party in this shocking
campaign of winning the elections when both Hindus and Muslims are
scared to even venture outdoors.
We are watching the news very closely and we know that you and other
fellow commissioners have stood up again and again for the Democratic
and Secular values enshrined in our constitution.
History will be  the ultimate judge of what you do or not do under the
current situation in Gujarat.  You are all highly regarded by the public
because that you have sufficient power to conduct free and fair
elections but not in the next few weeks.
Government of the State of Gujarat has failed its citizens by massively
mis-managing the distribution of Earthquake Relief that poured in from
all parts of India.
Today, the plight of the innocent survivors of =91Muslim Genocide=92 is eve=
worse because neither they have received the full compensation that was
promised them by the Prime Minister of India or the State Government
How can anyone think of going to the polls, when most people cannot even
go their own home or feel secure?  According to the latest Information
Bureau report published in the Times of India, the conditions in Gujarat
continues to be disturbed and therefore, it is extremely difficult to
hold elections.
People of India, nay all the people of the world are looking to you to
save the Indian democracy.  We are confident that you will make the
right decision and allow all Indians to hold their head up high among
the citizens of over 200 nationalities.
Kindly share your views with us individually or collectively. We are
confident that you will make the right decision.
            Yours In Service To Humanity,
            Shrikumar Poddar
            K. S. Sripada Raju
            S. N. Subba Rao
            Mayurika Poddar
            Devesh Poddar
            NRIs  For Secular & Harmonious India
            India Foundation Inc. of Michigan
            Vaishnava Center for Enlightenment
            India Development Society, Michigan
            India House of Worship, Washington, SC
            Seva International Inc. Okemos, MI
            Dharma Megha, East Lansing, MI
            Vedanta Society of East Lansing, MI
            Educational Subscription Service
            Washington Watch Inc.


Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 11:49:53 +0500
From: "Joel D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

August 17, 2002

ANJEDIVA CHURCH MUST BE SHIFTED: The State government has expressed its
inability to take any steps in the matter of the proposed closure of the
500-year-old Our Lady of Springs church at the Anjediva island as Navy's
Sea Bird project is all set for commissioning. Making the State
government's stand quite clear in the Goa Assembly, the Chief Ministers,
Manohar Parrikar, stated on August 16 that the Navy project involving
national security had to be given top priority and as such nothing much
could be done in the matter. (H)

was informed that in the Saligao constituency an area of 54 hectares
approximately has been left unsown in the different panchayats during the
khariff season of 2002=85Pernem MLA Jitendra Deshprabhu said, "Why doesn't
the government think of providing 50 per cent cash subsidies and set off
electricity charges so that agriculture becomes more economically viable.=

SCHEME FOR UNORGANISED SECTOR: the Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Parrikar, has
said that the government will soon announce a scheme to provide dignity of
living to the un-organised section in the State and implement it from
January next year. (NT)

OPEN SPACES TO CIVIC BODIES? The private member's resolution was to
recommend to the State Government to "to enact a suitable legislation for
making it compulsory to the developers of the plots including Comunidade to
hand over open spaces to the local self bodies as it becomes no man's land
and becomes a nuisance in the area". (H)

MINGING COS ENCROACH: M/s Dempo Mining Corporation has encroached over
19.02 hectares of forest land dumped rejects on cashew plantation at Mayem,
while M/s Rajaram Bandekar has used 4.32 hectares of forest land to dump
rejects at Pale. This was stated by Forest Minister Vinay Tendulkar while
replying to a starred question from Aldona MLA Dayanand Narvekar. (GT)

SCHEMES FOR DROP-OUTS: Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar said the drop out
rate is high after VIII Standard and the government is holding parleys with
the Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education to offer an
option to such students. Those students who find the subjects difficult
will be permitted to take up less taxing subjects and vocational courses to
halt the exodus. (GT)

ISLANDS FOR TOURISM: Forest Minister Vinay Tendulkar agreed to look into
the request made by Santa Cruz MLA Victoria Fernandes to promote the twin
islands in the Mandovi estuary opposite Ribandar-Sao Pedro, as tourist
spots. (GT)

HUSBAND-WIFE DUO VOTED: The husband-wife duo comprising Dr Jawaharlal
Henriques and his wife, Jeanette, were elected unopposed as sarpanch and
deputy Sarpanch respectively of Sodiem-Siolim Panchayat. (H)

FISHING BEGINS ON A DULL NOTE: Day one of the fishing season (August 16)
began on a dull note for the mechanised vessels and others connected with
the activity with sardines and "hampio" turning out to be the major catch
while the prized solar shrimp proved elusive. (H)

REFRIGERATION "SHOCKS" MAN: Forty-three-year-old Anthony Minguel Dourado
died due to electrocution after he received a shock while opening the
refrigeration in his house at Raia late in the night on August 15. (H)

WOMAN ELECTROCUTED: A routine activity to collect cucumbers in the morning
proved fatal for 60-year-old Mogu Bablo Gaude from Karmane-Keri in Ponda,
when she got electrocuted after coming in contact with a live wire in a
field about 500 metres away from her residence. (H)=20

MAPUSA TEENAGER DROWNED: Independence Day celebrations came to a tragic end
for a group of young students, who went for a swim, when one of them,
Deepak Redkar (16), got drowned in a pond at Verla-Canca on August 15. (H)

COSTLY RIDE: One Alcina Monteiro, a resident of Moira-Bardez, realized the
hazards of carrying two pillion riders on her bike when she met with an
accident at Moira on 14 August. (GT)

URBANISATION IN NAVELIM: Around a dozen residential and commercial
complexes have sprung up in the central part of the Navelim village and
along the highway. And, the village is bracing up to witness a building
boom in the coming years. (H)

A.I.R. SERVICE TO STATE: Goa broadcasts to Gulf, China and even South East
Asia. But radio transmitters in this State broadcast to listeners only for
a little over half of each day. This information came out in the
Parliamentary question raised by Rajya Sabha MP, Eduardo Faleiro, on August
12. (H)

MHADEI DIVERSION: The diversion will not only affect the Sattari region,
but also bring about the destruction of Goa, feels Mr Sadashiv Narayan
Marathe of Velguem in Sattari. It will affect the supply of drinking water
to North Goa and reduce the water table in Sattari, Sanguem, Ponda and
Bicholim to such an extent that it will wipe out agriculture in these
areas, he says. (Joaquim Fernandes in NT)

MUMBAI COPS TO STUDY GOA TRAFFIC: Taking serious note of the increasing
road accidents, the Goa Police department has plans to appoint some retired
officers from Mumbai to conduct a study in traffic policing in the State.=

EC RULES OUT EARLY POLLS IN GUJARAT: Pouring cold water on ruling BJP's
demand for early assembly polls in Gujarat, the three-member Election
Commission yesterday unanimously decided to consider holding elections only
in November-December as the law and order situation in the riot-hit state
"is still far from normal". (PTI report in Herald)

CARDIAC MIRACLE! The Department of Cardiology, KLE's Heart Foundation,
Belgaum, added another feather to its cap by successfully performing the
closure of a hole in the upper chamber of the heart of a 40-year-old female
by amplatz device (without cutting the chest). (GT)

PREPARING FOR THE DELUGE: "Goa is a part of the planet on the rim of the
Indian Ocean basin where geology and ecology intersect mythology=85Goa is a
tectonic alloy of rock formations which have different ages. Oldest rocks
are 3400 to 3600 million years old and are found on the Karnataka
border=85The coastal lands of Goa comprise of the land sunk under the sea,
the continental shelf, the beaches and the sand dunes, the sub-coastal low
lying areas, the estuarine zone with the mangroves and the man-made
agricultural lands named as khazans. Most of these lands may simply vanish
in this century itself, if not much earlier (by 2050 AD)." (Nandkumar Kamat
in Zest-NT)

DR SHIRODKAR FOR BRAZIL: Dr Ajit Shirodkar, horticulture enthusiast and
resident of Alto Santa Cruz has been invited to make a presentation on
Alphonso cultivation at the Seventh International Mango Symposium to be
held at Recife, Brazil, next month. The title of his presentation is
"Alleviation of Yield Variability and Quality Improvement in Alphonso-Long
Term farm Experience". (H)

CHURCHILL, SIGNALS IN LAST FOUR: Churchill Bros Sports Club downed Cabral
Sports Club 2-0 to book a place in the semi-finals of the servo Governor's
Cup football tournament at Duler in Mapusa. Corps of Signals scored a
fluent 3-1 victory over Napoli Sports Club at Tilak Maidan in Vasco. (H)

   16 Aug: Benaulim-Rebod: MINGUEL FRANCISCO FERNANDES, husband of Lucy,
father of Ashley and Wendel.
   16 Aug: Canacona: LAXMI VISHNU VERNEKAR, mother of Vaman/Vanchena,
Shripad/Sajala, Surendra/Sumedha, Kiran/Pratima, Satish/Kalpana and
Mohini/Pramod Rivankar.
   16 Aug: Siridao: PASCOAL JOAQUIM AFONSO, relict of late Ana Rita, father
of Santano/Joanita, Camilo/Isabel, Conceicao/Xavier, Pedrinha.
   15 Aug: Cavelossim: MARIA EUGENIA B PALHA E RODRIGUES, wife of late
Francisco, mother of late Felicissimo, Mousinho/Agnes (UK), Filomena/late
Jose Barros, Francisco Chatterbriand/Hilda, Oscar/Anna, Evita/Casmiro
D'Souza (UK)
   16 Aug: Navelim-Dialgona: ANTHONY GOES, husband of Ancy, father of
Joana, Jenisia, Roosevelt.
G O A   W E A T H E R
   Temp: 25.3 deg C (77.5 deg F) at Assagao at 7.30 am today.
   Max temp: 28.9 deg C, Humidity: 93%, Rainfall 1853.0 mm (Yesterday)
   Weather: After last night's showers, the morning has been quite dry,
even some sunlight escaping through the gaps in the rain clouds.

Courtesy: H=3DHerald, NT=3DThe Navhind Times, GT=3DGomantak Times

Daily Goacom News Clippings also at: http://www.goacom.com/news
Website: http://www.goacom.com
Webzine: http://www.goacom.com/goanow


Date: Sat, 17 Aug 2002 06:25:44 +0500
From: "Joel D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

August 17, 2002

ANJEDIVA CHURCH MUST BE SHIFTED: The State government has expressed its
inability to take any steps in the matter of the proposed closure of the
500-year-old Our Lady of Springs church at the Anjediva island as Navy's
Sea Bird project is all set for commissioning. Making the State
government's stand quite clear in the Goa Assembly, the Chief Ministers,
Manohar Parrikar, stated on August 16 that the Navy project involving
national security had to be given top priority and as such nothing much
could be done in the matter. (H)

was informed that in the Saligao constituency an area of 54 hectares
approximately has been left unsown in the different panchayats during the
khariff season of 2002=85Pernem MLA Jitendra Deshprabhu said, "Why doesn't
the government think of providing 50 per cent cash subsidies and set off
electricity charges so that agriculture becomes more economically viable.=

SCHEME FOR UNORGANISED SECTOR: the Chief Minister, Mr Manohar Parrikar, has
said that the government will soon announce a scheme to provide dignity of
living to the un-organised section in the State and implement it from
January next year. (NT)

OPEN SPACES TO CIVIC BODIES? The private member's resolution was to
recommend to the State Government to "to enact a suitable legislation for
making it compulsory to the developers of the plots including Comunidade to
hand over open spaces to the local self bodies as it becomes no man's land
and becomes a nuisance in the area". (H)

MINGING COS ENCROACH: M/s Dempo Mining Corporation has encroached over
19.02 hectares of forest land dumped rejects on cashew plantation at Mayem,
while M/s Rajaram Bandekar has used 4.32 hectares of forest land to dump
rejects at Pale. This was stated by Forest Minister Vinay Tendulkar while
replying to a starred question from Aldona MLA Dayanand Narvekar. (GT)

SCHEMES FOR DROP-OUTS: Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar said the drop out
rate is high after VIII Standard and the government is holding parleys with
the Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education to offer an
option to such students. Those students who find the subjects difficult
will be permitted to take up less taxing subjects and vocational courses to
halt the exodus. (GT)

ISLANDS FOR TOURISM: Forest Minister Vinay Tendulkar agreed to look into
the request made by Santa Cruz MLA Victoria Fernandes to promote the twin
islands in the Mandovi estuary opposite Ribandar-Sao Pedro, as tourist
spots. (GT)

HUSBAND-WIFE DUO VOTED: The husband-wife duo comprising Dr Jawaharlal
Henriques and his wife, Jeanette, were elected unopposed as sarpanch and
deputy Sarpanch respectively of Sodiem-Siolim Panchayat. (H)

FISHING BEGINS ON A DULL NOTE: Day one of the fishing season (August 16)
began on a dull note for the mechanised vessels and others connected with
the activity with sardines and "hampio" turning out to be the major catch
while the prized solar shrimp proved elusive. (H)

REFRIGERATION "SHOCKS" MAN: Forty-three-year-old Anthony Minguel Dourado
died due to electrocution after he received a shock while opening the
refrigeration in his house at Raia late in the night on August 15. (H)

WOMAN ELECTROCUTED: A routine activity to collect cucumbers in the morning
proved fatal for 60-year-old Mogu Bablo Gaude from Karmane-Keri in Ponda,
when she got electrocuted after coming in contact with a live wire in a
field about 500 metres away from her residence. (H)=20

MAPUSA TEENAGER DROWNED: Independence Day celebrations came to a tragic end
for a group of young students, who went for a swim, when one of them,
Deepak Redkar (16), got drowned in a pond at Verla-Canca on August 15. (H)

COSTLY RIDE: One Alcina Monteiro, a resident of Moira-Bardez, realized the
hazards of carrying two pillion riders on her bike when she met with an
accident at Moira on 14 August. (GT)

URBANISATION IN NAVELIM: Around a dozen residential and commercial
complexes have sprung up in the central part of the Navelim village and
along the highway. And, the village is bracing up to witness a building
boom in the coming years. (H)

A.I.R. SERVICE TO STATE: Goa broadcasts to Gulf, China and even South East
Asia. But radio transmitters in this State broadcast to listeners only for
a little over half of each day. This information came out in the
Parliamentary question raised by Rajya Sabha MP, Eduardo Faleiro, on August
12. (H)

MHADEI DIVERSION: The diversion will not only affect the Sattari region,
but also bring about the destruction of Goa, feels Mr Sadashiv Narayan
Marathe of Velguem in Sattari. It will affect the supply of drinking water
to North Goa and reduce the water table in Sattari, Sanguem, Ponda and
Bicholim to such an extent that it will wipe out agriculture in these
areas, he says. (Joaquim Fernandes in NT)

MUMBAI COPS TO STUDY GOA TRAFFIC: Taking serious note of the increasing
road accidents, the Goa Police department has plans to appoint some retired
officers from Mumbai to conduct a study in traffic policing in the State.=

EC RULES OUT EARLY POLLS IN GUJARAT: Pouring cold water on ruling BJP's
demand for early assembly polls in Gujarat, the three-member Election
Commission yesterday unanimously decided to consider holding elections only
in November-December as the law and order situation in the riot-hit state
"is still far from normal". (PTI report in Herald)

CARDIAC MIRACLE! The Department of Cardiology, KLE's Heart Foundation,
Belgaum, added another feather to its cap by successfully performing the
closure of a hole in the upper chamber of the heart of a 40-year-old female
by amplatz device (without cutting the chest). (GT)

PREPARING FOR THE DELUGE: "Goa is a part of the planet on the rim of the
Indian Ocean basin where geology and ecology intersect mythology=85Goa is a
tectonic alloy of rock formations which have different ages. Oldest rocks
are 3400 to 3600 million years old and are found on the Karnataka
border=85The coastal lands of Goa comprise of the land sunk under the sea,
the continental shelf, the beaches and the sand dunes, the sub-coastal low
lying areas, the estuarine zone with the mangroves and the man-made
agricultural lands named as khazans. Most of these lands may simply vanish
in this century itself, if not much earlier (by 2050 AD)." (Nandkumar Kamat
in Zest-NT)

DR SHIRODKAR FOR BRAZIL: Dr Ajit Shirodkar, horticulture enthusiast and
resident of Alto Santa Cruz has been invited to make a presentation on
Alphonso cultivation at the Seventh International Mango Symposium to be
held at Recife, Brazil, next month. The title of his presentation is
"Alleviation of Yield Variability and Quality Improvement in Alphonso-Long
Term farm Experience". (H)

CHURCHILL, SIGNALS IN LAST FOUR: Churchill Bros Sports Club downed Cabral
Sports Club 2-0 to book a place in the semi-finals of the servo Governor's
Cup football tournament at Duler in Mapusa. Corps of Signals scored a
fluent 3-1 victory over Napoli Sports Club at Tilak Maidan in Vasco. (H)

   16 Aug: Benaulim-Rebod: MINGUEL FRANCISCO FERNANDES, husband of Lucy,
father of Ashley and Wendel.
   16 Aug: Canacona: LAXMI VISHNU VERNEKAR, mother of Vaman/Vanchena,
Shripad/Sajala, Surendra/Sumedha, Kiran/Pratima, Satish/Kalpana and
Mohini/Pramod Rivankar.
   16 Aug: Siridao: PASCOAL JOAQUIM AFONSO, relict of late Ana Rita, father
of Santano/Joanita, Camilo/Isabel, Conceicao/Xavier, Pedrinha.
   15 Aug: Cavelossim: MARIA EUGENIA B PALHA E RODRIGUES, wife of late
Francisco, mother of late Felicissimo, Mousinho/Agnes (UK), Filomena/late
Jose Barros, Francisco Chatterbriand/Hilda, Oscar/Anna, Evita/Casmiro
D'Souza (UK)
   16 Aug: Navelim-Dialgona: ANTHONY GOES, husband of Ancy, father of
Joana, Jenisia, Roosevelt.
G O A   W E A T H E R
   Temp: 25.3 deg C (77.5 deg F) at Assagao at 7.30 am today.
   Max temp: 28.9 deg C, Humidity: 93%, Rainfall 1853.0 mm (Yesterday)
   Weather: After last night's showers, the morning has been quite dry,
even some sunlight escaping through the gaps in the rain clouds.

Courtesy: H=3DHerald, NT=3DThe Navhind Times, GT=3DGomantak Times

Daily Goacom News Clippings also at: http://www.goacom.com/news
Website: http://www.goacom.com
Webzine: http://www.goacom.com/goanow


End of goanet-digest V1 #4225

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