Hello all,
Upon reading the well reasearched/analytical posts by Santosh and Margaret,
I thought it would help to collectively do away with the proverbial Dinesh
(the Vetal in our midst) by bringing the following review to your notice.
The review is an interesting read and coincides with what we learnt from
Santosh's excerpted posting of the chapter from MKGs Hind Swaraj as well as
Margaret's questions to our historically-challenged dakto bab.

Gandhi: A Very Short Introduction
(Bhikhu Parekh is Professor of Political Theory in the Department of
Politics at the University of Hull)

excerpt from the above review
Written with extensive access to Gandhis writings in Indian languages to
which most commentators have little or no access, Parekh looks at Gandhis
cosmocentric anthropology, his spiritual view of politics, and his theories
of oppression, non-violent action, and active citizenship. He also
considers how the success of Gandhis principles were limited by his lack of
coherent theories of evil, and of state and power. Gandhis view of man as
ascetic allows no room for expressions of the cultural, artistic, or
intellectual. Furthermore, he was so hostile to modern civilization that he
was unable to appreciate its complex dialectic or offer a meaningful

Nevertheless, Gandhis life and thought had an enormous impact on the Indian
nation, and he continues to be widely revered--known before and after his
assassination as Mahatma, the Great Soul.

Perhaps it is time that one of the Goan gatherings invited Dinesh to talk
to us ignorant folk. I promise to attend! : )

ignorant as they (the pintos) come,

Venantius J Pinto
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