C Y B E R  - M  A T R I M O N I A L S ******************************
LOOKING OUT FOR a life partner? Circulate your message among thousands of
Goans for free. For a *FREE* listing in this column send details to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject-line reading CYBER-MATRIMONIALS.
Respondents are requested to verify details for themselves. We carry, in
good faith, details as sent in by our readers. There's no way we can check
or verify the veracity of the submissions. Make sure to include an email
address to enable you to get faster responses. 

BUSINESS ANALYST, SETTLED IN PERTH: Goan Catholic, working as a Business
Analyst, well settled in Perth, Australia, on the look out for a Goan
Catholic lady upto 35 yrs. Must be of very good character, slim build,
fairish complexion with good family background. Please email

CHRIS, 27, WORKING IN MUMBAI: My name is Chris. Age 27, working as a
Secretary for a private limited firm in Mumbai. I am a Goan, but more a
Mumbaitee cause I'm born and brought up in Mumbai. Goa has only been my
native and the most beautiful place for me to relax.  I love listening to
music, reading, writing poems, cooking and I love being at home. Home sweet
home.  At times I go partying with friends and collegues on weekends to pubs
or discos. I come from a decent, close knit family.  I don't like describing
myself, will say it in short that I am a beautiful creation of the Lord. and
I am happy for what I am. My desired match will be someone who is caring,
hardworking, sincere, a frank person with a positive thinking to life, who
loves and believes in god, a simple man with high ambitions in life. Someone
who is ready to take life the way it comes. To be there in all times with
me. Looks dont matter to me, nor do these stupid caste images that goes on. 
All matters is the True Human in himself. [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GOAN BACHELOR, TEACHING IN BOMBAY: Suitable match for Goan Roman Catholic
Bachelor in his early 40's/5'4", Post Graduate, presently teaching in
Bombay.  Hails from a respectable family. Has only one sister, married and
settled in the UK. Interest include music, reading, travel, dramatics,
meeting people. Owns flat in Bombay.  Would like to hear from loyal, caring,
homely lady in 30's from India/abroad.  Please reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

lady (slim, 36, 5^Ò6", sunny smile and sparkling, soft, deep brown eyes) is
looking for a suitable marriage partner.  Like me, he is an educated,
young-at-heart, humorous, warm, family-oriented individual and works in
North America. Please write to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

B.Eng., 31 yo, 5'9".  Regarded as handsome (they say), modest and quiet.
Good Goan family background.  Working for a large corporation in the UK.
Non-smoker seeking spinster between 22 to 26 yo. Reply to

SOME FEEDBACK RECEIVED: It would beheartening to see ads from younger folk
in their 20's to mid 20's for prospective grooms who've just touched 30. On
the whole, a good idea, and prob'ly with a a lot of sifting thru, one may
get lucky. -- A concerned mother

INPUTS FROM FR JULIAN CARRASCO: Thanks to Fr. Julian Carrasco, Portuguese &
Goan Chaplain, 87 York Street, Hilton, 6163, W. Australia for sending across
some matrimonials. He can be contacted at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

TO THOSE WHO QUERIED, it costs nothing to put out an advert through these
columns. Just send it in to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

PUT OUT VIA John DeSa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> who runs the mailing-list for
villagers of Sancoale-Cortalim-SaoJacintoIsland:

GOAN, SETTLED IN MUMBAI: Alliance invited from well settled boys, for a
girl (fair, 29/5 feet) hailing from well respected Goan Roman Catholic
family, presently working for a Bank, settled in Mumbai.  Interested parties
may respoect to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GOAN, RESIDING IN ENGLAND: Goan male, Residing in England, Accountant, 45
years old, medium complexion, medium build. 1st Marriage annuled by the
church, No children.

LOOKING FOR: Goan girl, aged between 32 and 37, reasonably well educated,
with good character and upbringing.

Replies for all the three above can be sent to:- [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        Make your ad more interesting by including details about hobbies,
        interests, things you feel passionate about, activities you like to
        participate in, political views, favourite music and books, typical
        weekend activities, things you think about... Keep ads to a max of
        100 words. Please note, we *don't* carry caste affiliations in these
        columns. Do you know anyone on the lookout for a suitable match?
        Feel free to copy this dispatch to them. Invite them to join
        GoaNet/GoaNews, by writing in to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with
        SUBSCRIBE GOANET/GOANETDIGEST as the subjectline. GoaNet is a 
        community-venture, meant to links Goans worldwide. It was set up
        in 1994 by Herman Carneiro, then a student at North Eastern Uni, US 

 To Subscribe/Unsubscribe from GoaNet  |  http://www.goacom.com/goanet
 For (un)subscribing or for help, Contact: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Dont want so many e=mails?  Join GoaNet-Digest instead !
 Help support non-commercial projects in Goa by advertizing!!
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