It is only recently discovered from a signed note of Salazar in the
Portuguese National Archives that the then Foreign Minister, Franco Nogueira
had proposed to  Salazar in Jan. 1962 a radical change in the colonial
policy, namely handing over Macau to China and  Timor to Indonésia, and
granting independence to Guiné and  S. Tomé e Príncipe, as a strategy to
concentrate on defence of sovereignty in Angola, Moçambique and Cabo Verde.
This document was held in secret until now in Salazar's Archives, which is
now deposited in the National Archives of Portugal. 
The document carried a marginal note of Salazar in permanent ink. When asked to 
comment on this discovery, the former Minister of Salazar for Overseas Territories, 
Dr. Adriano Moreira, manifested his surprise about the document. He had never known of 
that proposal, and believes that Salazar was very fond of maintaining secrets even 
from his own close collaborators. He believed that "information is power", said Dr. 
Adriano Moreira as quoted in the EXPRESSO last week. 
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