NOTE: CMD Ashank Desai is a Goan (from Britona) and ex-Goa Engineering
College alumni, first batch (1971), I think. FN

Mastek launches new software development centre in Mumbai

>From Indo-Asian News Service

New Delhi, Sep 5 (IANS) Mastek, one of India's leading information
technology services companies, launched its new state-of-the-art software
development centre in Mumbai Thursday.

Mastek Millennium Centre, which is the fifth software development centre of
Mastek in India, will be fully integrated with the other development centres
of the company, said a Mastek statement issued here.

Mastek, which services Fortune 1000 clients across the world, already has
three development centres in Mumbai, India's financial capital, and one in

The new facility has the capacity to house 1,100 people, when fully
operational, said the statement, adding that about 600 to 700 professionals
would occupy the centre by June 2003. At present the Mastek group employs
1,265 people across the world.

"As a result of our growth strategy we expect to have the need for
additional centres and the Mumbai campus is a step in that direction," said
Ashank Desai, chairman and managing director of Mastek.

"Our expected growth won't happen without adding people and we are looking
at hiring about 700 people this year.

"The Mumbai facility will start operating at full capacity in the next one

"The facility is designed to host multiple meetings with customers using
video conferencing and will be scalable," said the company statement.

--Indo-Asian News Service

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