TiTs & BiTs (017)

Today,  the 5th. September, 2002, has been a memorable Teacher's Day for me,
for I have never had the good occasion of  being part of any Teacher's Day
celebration in my entire life. As such, I shall dedicate TiTs & BiTs  No. 17
to the man of the day, the good bad teacher Mr. Dnyneshwar Pundalik
Pednekar, principal of Smt. Chandrabaga Tukobha Naik Higher Secondary
School, Curchorem, who has been awarded the NATIONAL AWARD for the Goa's
best teacher of the year 2002 at the hands of Dr. Abdul Kalam, the President
of India, at New Delhi.

And I would'nt call what I attended at the Menezes Braganza Hall in Panjim
today as a teacher's day celebration. It was rather a MANOHAR BASHING DAY,
at the mouths, rather than hands of  very prominent citizen teachers,
lawyers, doctors, dramatists , social workers and others.

I missed the beginning, specially the felicitation of the good MADUSUDAN
TARI , the  benchmark ideal teacher,  who should have been receiving the
National Award  in New Delhi at the hands of the President of India,
instead of a plain bouquet of flowers at the hands of Adv. Uday Bhembre at
the Menezes Braganza Hall, Panjim.

And I also missed the good bashing dished out by writer Borkar and Adv.
Satish Sonak. But then, it more than made my day listening to the excellent
delivery by Dramatist Premanand Lotlikar. He summed it up with a little
story of a rat who tasted a little brandy from the bottle left by his drunk
master of the house, enough to  make it flex its little muscles to take on
the mighty cat while the intoxication lasted. A clear slant at Manohar
Parrikar for getting intoxicated with power.

And, the president of all Goa Secondary teacher's Association, Mr.
Ravindranath Narvekar gave a lot of insight to the man called Dnyneshwar
Pundalik Pednekar, how his tail had started curving at the very young stage
of being a teacher. His open declaration that the association knew nothing
about Pednekar  being recommended for the award, which in fact should have
been its prerogative.

And, Averthanus D'Souza talked about the  disastrous consequences that would
be unfolded as a chain reaction to this bad government decision. He talked
about a little Dutch school boy  who , on his way back home from school, saw
a small hole in the water dyke and who, realizing that the dyke would
eventually collapse, went on to plug that small hole with his thumb. What
Averthanus has not realized that Parrikar has no intentions of plugging any
holes. He would rather make new and bigger holes  so that all the dykes and
dams collapses to carry away and drown his opposition in the RSS tidal wave.

And, it was more of a bashing for Goans  than  for Pednekar at the excellent
delivery by Dr. Minakshi  Martins. If Pednekar changed the birth date of his
daughter , I too had the opportunity , she said , of changing the birth date
of my  son joining 1st standard at Don Bosco's Bombay,  to come within the
cut-off birth date of just 2 miserable days by filing simple affidavits to
save one full year of schooling. I did'nt do it because I did'nt want my
child to live a life based on lies, she said. Her religious quotes in chaste
hindi  was something that I had not expected from a Christian lady  doctor.
She has asked a very important question,  whether Goans are going to take
this insult to the teachers, the  very foundation of the education,   lying

And,  talking at length about the "BANGODDI"  that Pednekar has created in
his teaching life was Vaman Vaidya , the social worker and the
administrative staff member of the school board. Do not under estimate
Pednekar he said. He has the capability of managing the government. He said
that the RSS pays its loyal members with awards etc. just like governments
pays back its lesser bureaucrats for their loyalty with priority cards to
avail of public services etc without waiting in queues. He sited an incident
of one such bureaucrat who decided to use his seldom used priority card at
the railway booking counter by going directly to the booking window with his
card, brushing off the chorus of protests from the line,  by brandishing his
card. He had to back off when he realized that it was the line of card
holders like himself.  Meaning? RSS everywhere!

And, the delivery by the Chairman of the meeting Adv. Uday Bhembre  was like
a hot knife slicing through butter. It would take me pages to put it all
down but importantly he asked pertinent questions on government's morality
in this action of recommending a tainted person for the award of the best
teacher. He said that in a competition such as Olympics, morality or
integrity of  the participating athlete does not matter. What matters is
his/her performance to get the gold. Whereas, he said, award is something
different where every aspect of the life of the person is in focus. He
summed up by asking if Pednekar could effectively catch a student copying in
the examination hall. If  Pednekar could  reprimand or penalize a teacher
for giving a few extra marks to his/her son or daughter?  If  Pednekar
could,  as the Director of Education, as proposed by Manohar Parrikar,  pass
judgements on erring teachers of schools. " Who is next?"  He asked. "Subash

And, all the while Aires Rodrigues has been moderating the meeting
excellently He insisted, like every one else,   that it was  not the person
of Pednekar that was in question. What is in question , is , the very
principle on which this decision is based. A teacher, selected for the
national award must be a shining example of goodness in every sense.  That
awards cannot be political tools. That the morality of the state, nation, is
at stake. The commendation that Aires has received for taking the step in
the right direction for putting the morality of Goa back on its track,
could, by all means, be much more and well deserved. And I leave it to Joel
D'Souza to show us the digital recording of the RESOLUTION that has been
passed at the meeting.

And, I for one, just cannot come to terms with what I heard at this meeting
today. That, to be eligible for the national award of the best teacher for
the year, one must actually make a written application. If at all,  some
day,  there be a national award going for the best "NON-POLITICAL
 POLITICIAN" of the year, I have already kept my application ready. Only
thing left for me is  to get on the good side of  our  Don Corleone
Parrikar-bab for the ticket to New Delhi.


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