TiTs & BiTs (018)

And, the programme  on Occupational Safety, Health & Environment, Goa  which
Goasuraj jointly helped to  organize in association with  the "Institute of
Safety & Risk Management", Panjim,   at Hotel La Paz , Vasco,  last evening
(Sat. 7th sept) was a resounding success, in that all of 50 persons did make
it ,  when we were under the impression  that,  Vasco,  being a time bomb,
which could blow up anytime, given the attitude of the government and the
industry, on safety related matters, there would be no chairs to accommodate
the wild rush.

And sorry to say that out of 20 odd municipal councilors, who were
especially invited, (thanks to the efforts of Mr. Simon D'Souza , ex-
Speaker of GLA),  none turned up except for Mr. Simon D'Souza himself, who
sat in for his councilor wife. And, it was also heartening  to have  the
presence  of  2 Sarpanches,  Mr. Vaz of Velsao and Mr. Gawda of Sancoale,
through the efforts of the dynamic  Cansaulim Sarpanch,  Ms. Martha
Saldanha, who could'nt make it herself,  due to her tight schedule.

It was again heartening to  see that the  upcoming HYAT REGENCY at Cansaulim
saw it fit to depute its Chief Engineer Mr. S.K. Varma to check-out the
programme, and,  in Mr. Varma's own words "excellent presentation" was
sufficiently heart-warming.

And we were pleasantly surprised to have with us Mr. Bandodkar, the Vasco
Municipal Engineer,  who has voiced  quite some concerns for the Vasco city'
s pollution, lack of safety and its  garbage treatment process.

If it was a rabble-rousing political meeting, the entire Vasco would have
been crowding to get to see and hear the rabble rousers. But to know a thing
or two about saving their own skin, it is too much  trouble for the  people.
As usual, learning through mistakes, is what I feel,  people are waiting
for. But then the gross mistakes of Bhopal even fails to be the eye-openers.
Cdr.(retd) Narayanan, editor of Vasco Watch was one disappointed man with
respect to the turn-out. "I came early at 3.30 p.m." he said "thinking that
I might get no place to sit".

Vasco Watch did give the programme the  front page treat with its 6000 odd
copies distributed throughout the length and breadth  of Vasco.   Our press
release w.r.t. the programme had been personally delivered to all the major
news papers in Goa with acknowledgements. "Gomantak Times" did put out its
own  sweet version, where,  the entire effect was lost. "Herald" saw it fit
to include it in the day's events on  7 Sept. as a one liner. So much for
the concern that our esteemed 4th. Estate has for "Safety" of the general
public, which is their own readership.

 To get back to the programme itself, after the short introductory, welcome
and thank you  delivery by this writer as one of  the programme initiators,
on behalf of Goa Environmental Action Group and Goa Su-Raj party, the entire
slide presentation was delivered by Mr. C.V. Dhume,  Director, Institute of
Safety & Risk Management and ex-Chief Inspector,  Factories & Boilers,
(retd) govt. of Goa. The presentation  covered the past major disasters of
France, U.K., Bhopal  etc. with graphic details of plant failures  and man
made mistakes, leading to the disasters, their effects and casualties. The
slide presentation, as commented by practically all present, was flawless,
professional and vastly  informative. This was followed by a 10-minute video
clip on do's and don'ts  on various aspects on industrial  safety,  prepared
by the Manali Fertilizer, Tamil Nadu,  for the general awareness of safety
procedures for the public in case of accidents. It complimented the slide
presentation and was well appreciated.

At the interactive session which followed, the one aspect of this
presentation, when it came to our God's own Goa was the finger pointed at
the  outdated "Horton's Sphere" ammonia storage tank at Vasco. God forbid,
if this goes up, Mr. Dhume explained,   it will affect a radius of 10
kilometers around Vasco within  8.6 minutes flat. That covers far away
places like Betalbatim to Bambolim, including the good Goa Medical College.
And the quality of the On-site, Off-site safety plans, if there are any, and
which,  in all probability,  must be locked-up in the District Collector's
cupboards, coupled with the state of  preparedness and awareness that the
Vascoites, Betalbatim-ites , Bambolim-ites, and in general, Goan-ites are
in, in case this Horton's Sphere decides to take to the air one fine
unsuspecting day,  there would be no trenches enough to bury the dead. You
must forgive me for being the Goa's NOSTRADAMUS, but this eventuality cannot
be overlooked, like the "Ostrich". And when it hits us, we shall be caught
with out pants down and cursing the very God that we are presently reposing
our faith in,  saying "God is Great" One must remember that God helps those
who help themselves.

Many persons attending the programme reasoned out that the low turn-out was
due to Vasco being a floating city with very small, indigenous, concerned,
population. In case of a severe disaster, the floating population would just
take off, never to return. Others reasoned that GOA itself was on its way to
becoming a floating State, and, and whether this was sufficient reason for
the government and the government authorities entrusted with the safety of
the public,  to slumber.  While yet others reasoned that nothing will move
were there are no votes to be bagged.

The onus of GOA's deplorable "INDUSTRIAL SAFETY"  and pollution control
measures was heaped on the Goa Government itself, and not the Industry. The
industry is considered as "LAW ABIDING" . And why ever not?  The Industry
gets all the clearances that are required under the law to set it up. Is it
not? And who gives the Industry those clearances? Is it not the Government?
The sitting of the atmospheric ammonia tank within 50 meters of the
residential and commercial areas at Vasco has the required clearance,
whereas, infact it must be sitted at a minimum distance of 1 kilometer, as
per the Bombay High Court Judgement.. And we expect the same people who
filled their pockets or enjoy the employment benefits, in this exercise of
giving the clearance,  to attend the "safety" programmes or take up the
safety issues??

In conclusion, the encouragement  given by Mr. R.P Bhanushali, Technical
Adviser, National Safety Council, in his par excellence  summation, will
hopefully kindle hope in some of the more conscious citizens of Vasco to
organize themselves in their very own interests, and knock at, and if
required, knock down,  the insensitive doors of the government to assert
their rights to a safe and un-polluted living.

The thank you note, on behalf of the Council of Occupational Safety, Health
& Environment, Goa.  was given by Mr. U.R. Shenoy, its  Vice President, and

The Institute of Safety & Risk Management has come out with a beautifully
compiled  "EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR YOUR SAFETY"  booklet  with graphic
illustrations which is simple to understand and  a must for every household,
government offices, schools and other  educational institutions etc.  Since
the leaflet  is foreworded by none other than Mr.  Manohar Parrikar, the
Honourable Chief Minister of Goa, himself, the least the Government of Goa
can do is to subsidise the distribution of this unique leaflet for mass
awareness of safety procedures.

 And, again,  I do hope,  that the very action of "FOREWORDING" a fine
booklet like the above, scratches the Chief Conscience of the Chief
Minister,  enough,  to put things right in respect of 'INDUSTRIAL SAFETY"
in Goa on a war footing, rather than expending his energies in depriving a
few loser colleagues of his  in the Assembly of their vote banks through his
brainchild  "The Municipal Corporation Bill for Panjim City" which is
getting deader by the day in the rough waters it is bouncing in.


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