KARACHI: Thousands of Catholics endured body searches
here on Sunday as they filed into St Anthony’s church
to celebrate the birth of Mother Mary.  This was the
first time that Christian worshippers in the city were
submitted to a body search. 

Church wardens frisked males with the help of a
hand-held metal detector and checked the purses of all
female devotees. "Though the step was unusual, it was
taken to safeguard the congregation from any terror
attack and infiltration from the outside," a church
worker said. 

"A small lapse of security on our part
could have resulted in chaos," he said, explaining
that the heavy contingent of rangers and policemen
outside the church was meant to deter terrorists at
the gate. "But if the attackers disguised themselves
and came into the church, then what could we have
done?" he asked.

On feasts days St Anthony's church attracts the single
biggest congregation of Christians in Karachi. Under
those circumstances, he said, the church officials had
no option but to augment security provisions for the

The Archbishop of Karachi Simeon Pereira, Fr. Melito
Dias and Fr. Benny Travas concelebrated the feast-day
mass held three days before the first anniversary of
the September 11 terror attacks on the United States.
In his homily message, Fr Travas cautioned the people
against asking for mere material favours from Mary and
ignoring the spiritual gifts she could ask God to
endow us with. Later the priests prayed for world and
regional peace and urged the congregation to work hard
for that goal. 

After the mass the congregation knelt down to offer
the final novena prayer ahead of commemorating the
birth of Our Lady. The prayer was partly read out in
Tamil, a language that a majority of the devotees did
not understand but which had come to symbolise the
piety of those who first began the devotions to Mary

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