The 22nd Season of Sour Ground Foot-ball festival will begin on coming 
Friday 13th of this month in the morning with the inaugural match of KIFF 
League cum Knock Out Tournament.  The whole credit for initiating our 
competitive soccer at Sour Ground should go to United Goans Centre that has 
just completed 25 years of its existence.  In the beginning it was only one 
tournament League cum Knock Out by UGC but later on Flying Arrows, Ida 
Memorial, Mercedes Cup and many other tournaments came into being.  The main 
governing body KIFF came at a later stage with the active push by the late 
J.P. Demello – International Soccer Referee – and Lawrence Pinto, the latter 
put more stress in helping the formation of KIFF.

Since the inception of our soccer at Sour Ground lot of problems took place 
on and off the field but during the last 2-3 seasons especially the last 
year things went beyond control. Unfortunately, most of the troubles at Sour 
Ground are created by Goans only.  Now since this is going to be the new 
season let us all hope that everyone involved in this soccer will maintain 
discipline and play and play the game for the sheer love of it and not to 
create disorder.  This foot-ball of ours is not of high grade and there is 
nothing much at stake if someone loses and other wins. The purpose of our 
soccer here is to create some sort of entertainment for our community 
members.  Before the inception of this soccer many of our youthful boys were 
addicted to some bad habbits but due to this soccer they got addicted to 
Sour Ground. Unfortunately many of them made bad use of this place and 
instead of creating and spreading goodwill they started spreading illwill 
thereby soiling the good image of Goan community beautifully carved out by 
our early Goans, overwhelming majority of them are no more in Kuwait.

This season will start with the participation of 14 teams, some will be 
strong while others weak but all will show their physical prowess and 
artistic display of soccer.  First time at Sour Ground latest rules and 
regulations will be applied as per the latest FIFA rules.  The refereeing 
will be done by KIFF  referees. This refereeing body was given immense 
coaching during the last 2 months so that they can use the latest rules and 
regulations which may not be known to many of the spectators.  Hence, the 
spactotors should be very careful in making hue and cry over any incidents 
which may or may not be treated as infringement.  In view of this the 
trouble maker spectators first must know the latest rules of our soccer 
before raising their voice from the sidelines.

It is my sincere wish to see things moving peacefully at Sour Ground.  This 
year the KIFF body is manned by efficient people namely Mr. Vohra as 
president and Justin as Sports Secretary besides others and with the help of 
participating teams and watchful spectators I am sure everything will go 
peaceful.  I have enough confidence in Vohra and his energetic team to act 
rightly and very decisively in controlling the situation at Sour.  If they 
succeed in dishing out peaceful administration they will be applauded if not 
they will be accused. If necessary to put things into order they must be 
ready to act very firmly in order to avoid the repetetion of last season's 
ugly incidents.  Most of the quarrels at Sour Ground happen because of the 
disagreements between the referees and losing teams and their supporters.  
Matured and decent people will never take law into their hands and go for 
the blood of referees when there are civilized ways to get their grievances 
redressed.  We must know one thing and very firmly that this soccer of ours 
is just for entertainment and to kill our time, there is nothing big at 
stake, it is not an European Cup or World Cup.  Even during the last World 
Cup we saw biggest and worst miskates committed by the referees and yet 
nobody on and off the field quarrelled.  Hence let everyone involved in this 
soccer apply his mind very firmly and try to create goodwill and friendship 
amongst all of us and this should be out motto.

I wish all the participating teams and their managements All the best.  So 
too KIFF and Kiff Referees.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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