Note: This Press Statement has been e-mailed to all news papers as well as distributed in the Press Room, Secretariat, Panjim.
----- Original Message -----
From: goasuraj
Sent: Saturday, September 21, 2002 9:10 AM

21 Sep 2002.
The Editor,
Panjim- Goa.
Dear Sir,
Sub: Press Statement for kind publication.
Attached herewith is the Press Statement  with respect to the "LAWMAKERS 'BREAK' SOUND CONTROL ACT"
front page report by Mr. Mayabushan Nagvenkar, Herald dt. 19.09.2002.
Kindly oblige.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
(Floriano C. Lobo)

GOA SU-RAJ PARTY strongly condemns  the shameful attitute towards the Laws of the land by the  keepers of  Laws themselves,  vis a vis the front page report on Herald dated 19th. September, 2002 by Mayabushan Nagvenkar, captioned “LAWMAKERS ‘BREAK’ SOUND CONTROL ACT”.

It has been amply proved that the existing laws to control the ever increasing Loud Music Noise Pollution in the State are not implemented by the police on their own. One needs to make innumerable  complaints, and , one may or may not get the relief, but one certainly  gets the scorn  for taking the trouble.

The Writ Petition No. 366/1999 filed by the 'GOA ENVIRONMENT FEDERATION' is still pending with the High Court of Bombay at Goa, awaiting disposal,  in which the Inspector General of Police is one of the respondents.

In the Order dated January 18, 2000,  w.r.t the above writ petition, the point No. 5 of the Order reads as follows:

5(a): No permission shall be granted by the State Authorities, whether the Sub-Divisional Magistrate, District Magistrate or the Police, for playing of music on any amplifier in open areas during the times between 10.00 p.m. to 7 a.m. in any locality;

5(b): Any person who intends to use an amplification system for playing music or otherwise, during the period 10.00 p.m. to 7.00 a.m., shall make a special application for permission to the Home Secretary, Goa Government. The Home Secretary shall strictly scrutinize the application and grant such special permission for reasons to be recorded in writing as to why such permission is being granted. The special permission shall  be limited, both in terms of the day and the number of hours for which it shall be valid.

In view of the above High Court Order,  and,  also in keeping with the Gazette of India Extraordinary ‘MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND FORESTS’ Notification, New Delhi , 14  February, 2000,  requiring the State to implement the restriction on the use of loud speakers/public address system,  at para 5 of the said Notification, the action of the Porvorim Police in conducting the open air orchestra  is clearly violative of the  provisions of law and indicts the POLICE for dereliction of duties, specially when the programme itself was conducted at the premises of the  office of the Superintendent of Police (North) , which is termed as the North District Head Quarters of the Goa Police.

Hopefully, the HIGH COURT OF BOMBAY AT GOA, the Goa Environment Federation and the other sensitive environmental organizations will take  due note, since the above incident is a clear cut ‘CONTEMPT OF COURT’

Issued in Public Interest by,



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