>   <http://www.khaleejtimes.co.ae/citytimes/ct210902/ctlead_2.jpg> 
> Before the tragedy: Carol Irene Vaz.  
> *     Time stopped for Carol Irene Vaz at 0330 hours on May 26, 2002. It 
> has stayed frozen since then. 
> *     Carol was the back seat occupant of the car that was hit by a
> trailer truck in the early hours of that fateful morning on the Airport 
> Road where a group of friends had gone into a gas station to tank up
> before returning home. 
> *     The trailer struck them as they rejoined the mainstream and the 
> major part of the impact was on the backseat. 
> *     The rescue mission called for cutting through the mangled metal. 
> *     The other two occupants sustained injuries but are now out of
> danger. 
> *     Carol is in a coma. It is now exactly four months and on Wednesday 
> there will be little that is sweet about her turning sixteen. 
> Doctors at the Rashid Hospital have stabilised her condition from the 
> moment she was brought into the Emergency that morning with a ruptured
> liver, damage to the brain stem and skull fractures among other injuries. 
> Coma is one condition that cannot be predicted. A patient can wake up at 
> any time. There is no more that medicine can do and Rashid Hospital is in 
> the position of having done everything medically possible. 
> Carol will now be taken back to India where her family will stand vigil
> and pray for a miracle. But before she moves to her hometown in Mumbai, an 
> American specialist is having a second look at her state before her
> parents take the chance of putting her on a plane. Carol had come to Dubai 
> to spend her vacation with her parents who both work here. Every second
> year the children visit Dubai and the holiday had begun on April 18. She 
> was scheduled to go back by the first week of June. A Class X student she 
> was immensely popular and several cards, letters and calls from her mates 
> have streamed in over the months. 
> There is no response to any stimuli at the present but Mum and Dad, 
> Hippolito and Cynthia Vaz, refuse to give up hope. Brother Carey is 
> convinced that something good will happen. 
> Talking to City Times, Cynthia, her tears now spent, is stoic but
> determined. She intends to give up her job in Dubai to look after her
> daughter full time. For monetary reasons, Hippolito will stay on but his 
> heart will be going with his daughter. 
> They keep talking to her even now and hope that they are getting through. 
> A major Shah Rukh Khan fan, Carol was looking forward to seeing the film, 
> Devdas. 
> "I am sure if Shah Rukh reads this," says her mother, "He will come
> forward. Who knows if he spares a few minutes to stand by her bed and talk 
> to her, the sound of his voice may trigger something." Meanwhile, the
> vigil continues. The family speaks in the present tense, it is always as 
> if they expect her to open her eyes at any moment. 
> "She is the perfect daughter, very understanding," says her father. "Never 
> gives me trouble. And she wants nothing. Every time I travel to India,
> which is once every two years, I will call her up and ask her what she
> wants and she will say 'Nothing Papa, just you two." Her grandmother, who 
> has brought her up lives in Mumbai and has not been told of the situation 
> till date. They have told her that Carol has broken her leg and the
> hospital rules do not allow mobile phones for patients. 
> Her grandmother is very concerned that Carol is missing school. Amazingly, 
> everyone in Marol, Andheri, which is her hometown and the St John the
> Evangelist High School authorities, have maintained the secret. 
> Brother Carey is a mix of intense grief and shock, almost helpless in his 
> sense of outrage. But he also believes he will get his sister back. 
> They are all waiting for a miracle to happen. But, sometimes when the
> guard goes down and there is that sudden confrontation with harsh reality, 
> they understand as a family that this travail could go on for years. She
> is young and may stay this way for years on end. 
> But they don't want to go that route. For now, the priority is to get her 
> back home. Maybe in more familiar surroundings, a grandmother, a
> classmate, a teacher, a voice that is not from the wilderness, maybe even 
> Shah Rukh Khan will trigger a response. And Carol will wake up. 
> Give her a gift on Wednesday 
> On September 25, Carol will turn 16. It should have been a great birthday, 
> a coming of age and a bursting of balloons. 
> Instead, a bursting of the bubble. Carol will not know she is sixteen. She 
> will not hear anyone say 'Happy Birthday' and she won't tear the coloured 
> paper off her presents or know that all over the UAE thousands of us,
> expats and locals alike are sparing more than just a thought today for 
> this child. 
> We are not doctors and we don't know when the agony will end but City
> Times has been touched by this tragedy occurring here on home ground that 
> we call on all of us to say a special prayer at mid-day on Wednesday
> September 25. It has been said that more things are wrought by prayer than 
> this world dreams of and we feel that such a collective effort might
> create a miracle. 
> Those of you who wish to help this distressed and exhausted family you can 
> do so by contributing a small sum to the Indian Community Welfare
> Committee PO Box 737, Dubai or call them - or K. Kumar on 050-6565433 -
> through the Indian Consulate on 3434466. To make it easier, you could send 
> a token contribution to Bank of Baroda Account number 63131 which is the
> account for the registered ICWC. The proceeds will go towards her welfare 
> and care in India and towards the transportation of the patient, a nurse 
> and doctor to India besides the parents. 
> To display an initiative Air-India Regional Director PP Singh has cleared 
> a 50 per cent discount on the six seats needed for the patient to be
> carried by flight. Airline spokesman Raj Kumar confirmed this fact to City 
> Times. The aircraft seats will be specially configured for her comfort and 
> safety. Think about it. A holiday. A car crash. A coma and a whole family 
> in trauma. There but for you and I, go us. 
> Ten dirhams each might be enough to pay the bill. If not, a prayer is 
> free. 
>  <<ctlead_2.jpg>> 

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