On Thu, 26 Sep 2002, Floriano Lobo wrote:

> TitBits (004)
> To the 'Navhind Times CyberVoices opinion Poll' -  "Is the bandh call the
> right way to show solidarity with victims of the temple attack?" , my vote
> has gone for "NO". And likewise 85% of the voters  so far have voted "NO" .
> Rightly so, with this "Bharat Bandh" call, the VHP (read Sangh Parivar) has
> shown to the world that it is in absolute control of the nation. And, with

Contrast the reaction of these Sangh Parivaris with the reaction of the
Sawminarayana sect.

Times of India: Swaminarayan sect disassociates from bandh call

I simply do not understand what is gained by a total shutdown of the
country. While I understand the need for people affected to mourn and
recuperate, this can be arranged on an individual basis, where people are
given time off from their employers/schools etc.

Thats brings us to another interesting dimension. Why do we, afflict
ourselves with pain, when protesting against the actions of others? I am
yet to understand the logic of destroying public transportation and
individual businesses to make a point in support of a trade union, caste
or education reform.

It is amazing in the country where non-cooperation and civil disobedience
was virtually invented, we are yet it understand how to implement it.

> As the Navhind Times editorial today has rightly pointed out, the temple
> attack is nothing but 'revenge' for the actions of Narendra Modi and his
> manipulating and pontificating from  Delhi. There is no guarantee that more

The sad part is, this "revenge" never really affects the true criminals,
who continue to live a life of comfort under heavy security. Instead,
innocent people are made targets.

Tariq Siddiqui
[ This Space for Rent ]

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