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Documented by Goa Desc Documentation Service
& circulated by Goa Civic & Consumer Action Network
'Mental patients need more facilities'
A lecture on 'World Health Report 2001 - Mental Health: New Understanding,
New Hope' organised by Goa Psychiatric Society, in the city, today,
discussed various problems related to neurological disorders and their 

Dr Srinivas Murthy, professor of psychiatry at National Institute of Mental 
and Neurological Sciences (NIMHNS), Bangalore, while delivering the lecture
stated that though Goa has highly institutional approach to the mental health
problems, with availability of 150 beds per million population, it was 
still lacking
in community health facilities and further voiced the need to humanise
mental facilities in order to remove stigma and discrimination attached
to the mental disorders.

"The paradigm of care to mentally disabled persons should be shifted
from mental asylums to decentralise rehabilitation centres and
community-based services," he suggested.
Dr Murthy also condemned the prison-like situation in nearly 70 per cent
of the mental asylums in the country, with 50 per cent of them not even
having adequate drinking water facilities.

Speaking about 'World Health Report 2001 - Mental Health: New Understanding,
New Hope', he stated that neurological disorder is not a rare phenomenon
and that between a third and half of the population experiencing a disaster,
suffer from significant mental illnesses.

The report shows that nearly 10 to 15 per cent of adult population is affected
by mental disorders. It further points out that 20 per cent of patients 
primary health care have one or more mental disorders, though not recognised.
The report also mention about one in 4 families having at least one member
with a behavioural or mental problem. Schizophrenia is the third common
disability condition on global level, in 15 to 44 years age group, it adds.

"There are two primary solutions, effective treatment and approach to
provide treatment," Dr Murthy observed, further stating that many disorders
like depression, substance abuse, epilepsy and schizophrenia are totally
or partly reversible.

The new understanding of mental health is driven by advances in neuroscience
and behavioural medicine, he apprised, adding that integration of neuroimaging
and neurophysiology with molecular biology will lead to greater understanding
of mental illnesses.

"The chemical changes in brain at the junctions between one nerve cell and
another makes the difference, and revelation of this fact has made all the 
Dr Murthy opined. Depression is observed in people who take oral 
steroids and drugs for hypertension, he pointed out.

Regarding health and behaviour, he said, one of the most important risk 
at the level of the individual is the exposure to stress. Stress response 
is an
important component of the body's regulatory system, and though stress 
is a protective function in the short-term, it becomes pathological when it 
for a long time or when it is inappropriate to the situation.

"The cumulative effects of stress can impair neural excitability, cause 
of neurons, inhibit neurogenesis and cause a permanent loss of neurons," he 
The integration of mental health with primary health care is also needed,
and for this purpose staff should be given adequate training, apart from 
the availability
of medicine and referred linkages, Dr Murthy briefed.The importance of 
family support
to mental patients and role played by Non-Governmental Organisation was 
also highlighted.

Earlier, Dr Rajesh Dhume, secretary of the Society, in his welcomed address
said that Goa Mental Health Policy has been drafted and presented to the state
government, which includes helping of patients with the aid of family 
health care
delivery system, medical education and research, besides training the man 
and participation of voluntary sector in the process.He also stressed upon 
the need
to promote and protect the fundamental rights of the mental patients.

Dr Vikram Patel, president of the Society introduced the guest, while Dr 
Anil Rane
proposed the vote of thanks. Dr Pundalik Pai Kakode, treasurer of the 
society and
Dr Dorin Dias were also present on the dais. An interaction session followed
the lecture programme

The Navhind Times 23/9/02

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