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Meeting on Environmental Issues Facing Goa

Patricia Pinto, a municipal councillor of Panjim was invited to Canada by 
the South Asian Partnership (SAP) Canada's India Linkage Program (ILP) which 
is funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). The ILP 
promotes greater interaction and coooperation between civil society 
organizations (CSOs) in Canada and India.

Patricia participated as a panellist at the two-day workshop on "Gender 
Equality and Local Governance" held on  September 26 and 27 by the 
International Centre for Municipal Development of the Federation of Canadian 
Municipalities in association with the City of Gatineau, Quebec.

While here, she also delivered a talk at the University of  British
Colombia, Vancouver, on "Making Democracy Work in Goa New Experiments in 
India's Local Government System".

The International Goan Organization has asked her to lead a discussion
entitled "Environmental Issues facing Panjim, and Goa's towns and villages".

This meeting will take place on Wednesday, October 9, 2002, time 7.00 p.m., 
at the Mississauga City Hall, Committee Room A.

This meeting is free, and all are invited to attend and present their
views in the discussion.
Map & directions at http://www.city.mississauga.on.ca/maps/

Posted on behalf of Zulema de Souza/Al Mathias of the IGO

Tim de Mello
Ontario, CANADA

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