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* http://www.goatourism.org GOA TOURISM
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What's On In Goa:
* Oct 11: ML Sardesai's translation of Satre's "Les Mots" in Konkani, 5:30pm
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Mid-Oct: 2-day ornithologists workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com

TitBits (006)


>It's the economy stupid"> - Marlon (goanet)

>Osama's split & Wall Street's sagging
> It's time to get that puppy wagging>  - Calvin Trillin (quoted by

And  it does not require geniuses to put two and two together to come by the
catchful 22, the reason why GB Jr. wants his Iraq. That  the US economy has
been sliding downwards is an undeniable fact. That George wants to prove
himself that he has done something about it,  is understandable. What else
is more ideal than to blow Saddam to smithereens along with his beleaguered

And one can visualize the sequence. The  bombing of Iraq will destroy roads,
bridges, buildings, airports,  Saddam's own palace - hopefully  along with
Saddam himself and his doubles,  schools, hospitals, the oil installations,
the whole works except perhaps  the targets that are sought to be bombed,
never mind the thousands of ordinary people who do not count, anyway.  If
Bush gets half the chance, he is going to get over his  hangover of Saddam
having made an attempt on his father's life and reduce Iraq to rubble. And
all this,  with a ready and obliging partner in the blaring Tony.

This in turn will translate into massive mobilization of  men and material
from the US to Iraq for rebuilding. And, are we looking  at  some 10 to 15
years here?

And this solves US of A's  un-employment problems. Businesses get a lease of
life. Voters at home become less antagonistic. And BUSH stays put for
another term. (read HERO).

And perhaps , the installation of a friendly (read puppet)  government in
Iraq goes a long way for  US in sharing the oil wealth of that nation and
the signing of long term contracts, including defense.  (Remember the era of
the great Shah of Iran?)

Britain too,  gets  bits and scraps from the fallout and Tony is at his
smiling best and confident to face his voters.

Kofi Annan gets a pat on his back from big Bush for a job well done, who
goes on with his yatra for the next term as the Secretary General of the UN
just like the pat on the back of the Gujarat Nazi "Narendra  Modi" by the
great demolisher of Masjids "Advani", encouraging him into reviving  his
obnoxious Gaurav yatra , which is nothing but  asking for more   trouble and
more  killings of innocent people.

And everyone lives happily ever after,  until the cycle comes due and
another war must  come by  in another place.

And I hope  the next demolishing field  is not  India-Pakistan to provide
good business opportunities for big George, and for Tony,  after Iraq is
done with.


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