What's On In Goa:
* Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
* Oct 23: Launch of CellOne, BSNL's cellular service in Goa
* Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim

Eustaquio Santimano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on  Monday, October 21, 2002 2:00

>Subject: [Goanet] 135 km from Mumbai, a village that speaks Portuguese

> Korlai villagers still speak ancient Creole Portuguese but say language is
in danger of fading out
> Satish Nandgaonkar
> According to Clements, the Portuguese were defeated in a war by the
Maratha army in 1740,
> forcing them to flee to Goa. Nine families from the lower village then
moved to the upper part of
> Korlai and built the Mount Carmel Church around that time. Certain
Portuguese rituals are still
> performed in the village—the community annually celebrates the days
marking the anniversaries of St
> Anthony and St Rock. ‘‘People believe that years ago, St Rock saved Korlai
from the plague, and
> his anniversary on June 13 is celebrated every year with much festivity.
The villagers mark the
> anniversary with a procession and a feast is laid out in the church
courtyard. A traditional gun salute
> is offered to the procession as St Rock’s bust is carried through the
village,’’ says 42-year-old
> Father Vincent.

June 13 is the feast day of St. Anthony of Lisbon (or St. Anthony of Padua),
while the feast of St. Rock falls on August 16. It would be worthwhile to
find out why, at Korlai, St. Rock is celebrated on St. Anthony's day.


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