What's On In Goa:
* Oct 11: Konkani translation of Satre book, Alliance Francaise
* Oct 11: Friday Balcao, Mapusa. Mental health, suicides 4pm
* Oct 12: History Reading (Farar Far by Dr Pratima Kamat, Fundacao 5pm
* Oct 12: Goa Orchestra performs at the Kala (Corelli, Bach)
* Oct 13: Goa leg of National Karting Championships, Verna
* Oct 14: Colva Fama
* Oct 15: Magic in town... Illusion India show, Panjim then Vasco
* Oct 16-17: Ornithology workshop, Bondla southernbirdwing.com
* Oct 16-27: Vipasana meditation, Alto Porvorim
* Oct 24: Antonio Pereira Puraskar (Award) ceremony, Porvorim

Hi Goans everywhere,

While complaining about telephones in Saligao or Goa in general, I would
like to remember my experience with telephones in Goa in 1963-65.

I was working inV M Salgaocars office at Vasco  --  one of my clients was in
the office diagonally across the road  --  I could literally look into his
office but he could not hear me over the telephone  --  yet I am sure that
if I had stuck my head out the window and spoke to him across the road, he
would definitely have heard me much more clearly than through the
elephone  --  Goa telephones have improved CONSIDERABLY  since then

Let's be grateful for minor miracles even if the major ones elude us


Aloysius D'Souza
----- Original Message -----
From: Maxwell coutinho <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 12:46 AM
Subject: Re: [saligaonet] Telephone Ghost abound in Saligao?

> Oh! the telephones in Saligao.......
> (remember Remos old song on telephones in Goa!)
> things have started getting spooky now!.
> ...perhaps it is the ghost of Donna Christalina?
> Too much of a Garbage stench on the hillsides I guess and hence she must
> have  come to reside down amongst the villagers  now.
> I believe she is a friendly Ghost anyway.
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