Goa's phone numbers change from Nov 10, 2002. Prefix old number with a 2. New numbers 
will be seven-digit 2XXXXXX (where XXXXXX is the old number).

This should also should have been sent to the FBI, CIA, M1, SSI, SSA,
NATO PBI, CBI, SBC, and others.
Tsk Tsk ! Did Tariq's response hit a nerve !
Tony Mendes


> In a message dated 11/14/02 7:13:01 AM Pacific Standard Time,
>      Little knowledge is a dangerous thing especially if one has
> passed through the clutches of a Mullah in a Madrassa. The author is
> ignorant and does not know the difference between rape and
> molestation. Rape is forced on an individual and molestation is not.
> It involves coercion. This in no way is condoned nor acquiesced with
> by me.
>        Furthermore, the Catholic Church has a mechanism to counter
> malpractice's. In this matter, the Vatican including the Pope, the
> entire congregation of Catholic Bishops have taken this matter in
> hand. I have condemned this from the top of my voice and writing. The
> Church admits that this is a pernicious act and contrary to Church
> dogma.
>        Above all, one should not crow too loud. Who knows if the
> Ayatollahs, Mullahs and the writer have not abused young boys and
> girls. There is no pulpit in Islam to complain and those that complain
> are threatened with loss of life. I would like to enquire if the
> writer approves of:
>     1. The stoning to death of a woman when buried to her neck in
> earth or sand for having committed adultery? A man was involved in
> this act, a child is born from this act. Is the man not responsible?
> Who cares for the child when the mother is executed?
>     2. The murder of 2 CIA operatives in the US. In an hour or so, a
> Pakistani where the writer's sympathies lie, is to be given a lethal
> injection and put to death. Does he approve? I approve this and would
> wager my all if the Governor will commute the sentence.
>     3. The murder of nearly 200 individuals in Bali, an island which
> is predominantly Hindu and where the population is being dominated by
> the Islamic majority.
>     4. The taking over of the Theatre in Moscow by Chechens. The
> Chechens were banished from Chechnya to Kazakhstan and then allowed to
> return home. They are a cruel lot and deserve to be put in their place
> with force.
>      5. The murder of nearly a dozen innocent citizens in and around
> Washington by a convert to Islam.  Was this justified? Included among
> the victims was a Hindu Indian.
>       6. Abu Sayaf and his cruel accomplices murdering innocent
> Philippines and bombing churches. Are they martyres on their way to
> heaven to fornicate with 40 virgins? What ignorance and gullibility.
>       6. Did you secretely gloat when the twin towers were targetted?
> And then did you propagate the theory that the Jews did it? Ha! Ha!
> What small minds the madrassas develop.
>        6. The Bamian statues of the Buddha were built by Indians and
> Afghans when that country was at peace with the world. The Taliban did
> not build them but they destroyed them. I suppose you agree with this
> dastardly act. I think it was stupid and not unexpected knowing their
> background.
>     7. One in 14 women in Afghanistan die from childbirth while one in
> 400 die in this country where I live. Because the Afghans do not wish
> others to see their women in the nude. It is Taboo to allow men to
> deliver babies in Afghanistan. Girls are forced to marry men sometimes
> 3 times their age. They are imprisoned for disobeying this edict.
>     8. Does the writer/netter agree with circumcision (male and
> female). A report says that some men have their brains diminished when
> they are circumcised Female circumcision (or excision) is a cruel and
> inhumane act and should be condemned?
>       I will touch upon the Middle East where a sane, democratically
> elected leader in Yasser Arafat is being thwarted in his dream of a
> homeland and the only solution left to him and his people (both
> Muslims and Christians) is to use suicide bombing to achieve their
> aims. The Israelis must be stopped and the only ones who could pull
> the strings are the Americans and the British who created this problem
> and who are making half hearted efforts to resolve the matter to no
> effect.
>       Remember Big Brother is watching you and I am determined to send
> your comments to the Homeland Security who will monitor your cyber
> mails. This is no joke Mullah Saab. This time there will be no apology
> and I advise you to back off. You are on slippery ground and if you
> are bold you may try and skate around till you come tumbling down.
>         Kindly know the difference between rape and molestation. And
> please comment on the redress of any molesters in Islam.
>     Edgar Martins
>> On Thu, 14 Nov 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> >       Backwardness on the part of Islamists is demonstrated here
>> by
>> > seperating women from men in mosques - Taliban style. Muslim women
>> are
>> > oppressed and should realize this. Taslima Nasrim demands that the
>> Koran
>> > should be revised and updated. We hear of an Iranian professor
>> sentenced to
>> > death for condemning theocracy (rule by the Ayatollahs). Ayatollah
>> Khomeini
>> > who sought protection in France from the Shah's police, was the
>> villain who
>> > took a Fatwa on Salman Rushdie for writing verse that was
>> considered
>> > blasphemous. When will Islam bring itself in line with world
>> thinking. They
>> > will relegate themselves to persecution as a result of their own
>> folly.
>> When Catholic priests stop raping altar boys - thats when.
>> --
>> Tariq Siddiqui

What's On In Goa (WOIG): 
Nov 06 Children's book exhibn opens, Walkabout, Anjuna... (all weekdays)
Nov 06 ArtHouse, Calangute: Chaitali's acrylics on canvas till 19.11
Nov 07 Revision of electoral rolls (till Nov 30) See schedule.
Dec 01 Two day conference, Goa Agenda. IT For Society. (Ends 2.12) 
Every Sunday: Music therapy sessions at Moira, 5 pm. 278, N.Portugal


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