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A Division Bench of the Supreme Court comprising of Justice S. Rajendra Babu and Justice P. Venkatrama Reddy will on Monday 9th December hear the Special Leave Petition (SLP) filed against the Judgement of the Panaji Bench of the Bombay High Court dismissing the the Public Interest Litigation filed by Adv. Aires Rodrigues challenging the appointment of Avinash Vaze and Datta Keny as Chairman and Member of the Goa Public Service Commission. The petitioner had challenged the appointment of Avinash Vaze as Chairman of the Goa Public Service Commission on the grounds that he lacked the high integrity which is required for the appointment to the post of Chairman of Goa Public Service Commission.

Avinash Vaze whilst working as Deputy Chief (Legal) of Economic Development Corporation Limited ("EDC") had in 1989 taken a house building loan of Rs.1.5 lakhs from the EDC and retained the same for a period of more than 8 years thereby converting the same for his own use and deriving advantage therefrom and only thought it fit to repay the said loan or the balance thereof, after disciplinary proceedings were initiated against him. Vaze was charged for the misconduct and even punished with the punishment of compulsory retirement but the Appellate Authority set aside the order of Disciplinary Authority.

In his the petition before the High Court, the petitioner had also challenged the appointment of Vaze and Datta Keny on the ground that their appointments are contrary to article 316 of the Constitution of India
inasmuch as neither of them possess the qualifications prescribed for under the proviso thereof as neither of the two held a post under the Central Government or the State Government or at least for 10 years as required thereunder.

The High Court had rejected Aires Rodrigues's Writ Petition and imposed cost of Rs.5,000/- in favour of Vaze and Mr. Keny. In his appeal now before the Supreme Court Adv. Aires Rodrigues has contented that the finding of the Panjim Bench of the Bombay High Court that the Appellate Authority had not exonerated Vaze on mere technical grounds, is contrary to the contents of the order of the Appellate Authority itself
and that it was clear from the order that the exoneration of Vaze was in view of the fact that contravention of the House Building Advance Rules did not constitute a misconduct.

It has been further submitted that the Supreme Court has expressed itself in no uncertain terms that as the Public Service Commission occupied a pivotal place of importance in the State the integrity and efficiency of the Administrative apparatus depended considerably on the quality of selection made to the Public Service Commission and therefore it was absolutely essential that Chairman and Member of the Public Service Commission were eminent men possessing high degree of caliber, competence and integrity who would inspire confidence in the public mind about the objectivity and impartiality of the selection they are to make.

It has been submitted that the High Court was wrong in holding that the Appellate Authority had the effect of wiping the slate clean and no stigma could be attached to Vaze because of the Departmental action of enquiry that had been initiated against him, despite the facts which were on record. It has also been contented that the High Court has wrongly held that reckless allegations were made which were not substantiated on the basis of documents by the Petitioner though all the allegations made in the Petition
against Vaze, were culled directly from the documents produced on record.

It has been also contented that the Petition had been filed in public interest and the High Court was wrong in directing the Petitioner to pay costs and thereby trying to stultify a bonafide Public Interest Litigation
and that perhaps the Court itself realized that it wrongly awarded costs and therefore reduced the costs which had originally been fixed for Rs.10,000/- to Rs.5,000.

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***** CHRISTMAS PARTIES 2002 *****

Dec 14 - New England Goans, Wellesly, MA, USA [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+1 (603) 673-3762 (deadline for tickets Dec 5th)
Dec 14 - Goan Association of New Jersey, Inc., Somerset, NJ, USA
+1 (732) 599-7644
Dec 21 - GOA-LA, Los Angeles, CA, USA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
+1 (714) 821-6168 (late fee on tickets after Dec 10)

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