Ongoing: Exhibition of paintings, Art Chamber, Calangute www.goa-art.com
Dec  13: Dance workshop, with Jaap Van Maanen. Tel 2275733 BB Cafe
Dec  14 onwards: Shireen Mody's Goa 2002 exhibition, Arpora. Tel 2276759
Dec  14: Customer Relationship Mgt Seminar, Xaviers, Mapusa Tel 2262356
Dec  17, 18, 20: Lectures on Indo-Port. furniture, Fundacao Oriente Ph 2230728
Jan  18-19: Int't kite carnival at Morgim beach, Pernem

----- Original Message -----
From: Devika Sequeira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2002 8:04 PM
Subject: [GOANET] NEWS: Identity crisis -- passport racket is a new ticket
to Europe

These constant reports of Eduardo Faleiro's declaration on "Passport Racket"
at the Conservatoria in Lisbon "trazem agua no bico",  as the Portuguese
saying goes and the meaning of which is "tem uma intencao reservada".
Literally it can be translated as " have a hidden motive behind it".

The whole statement  about "rackets at the Conservatoria" falls to the
ground  because the Conservatoria does not issue passports. The
Conservatoria is the Government office for registration of Births and Deaths
and other co-relative acts such as marriage, divorce, etc.

It is widely known that the Portuguese passports held by the terrorists are
either fake or are some of those that were stolen from the Portuguese
Consulates in Islamabad, Paris, etc. and even from the "Governo Civil" of
some of the districts of Portugal.

Recently, Portuguese authorities dismantled an "office" where false
passports were being issued for USD 5,000.00 and even false Identity Cards
were being issued. The culprits were persons of African and Indian origin.

Mr. Faleiro, who I presume has a birth registration in Portugal because he
was born here, should know better than Rupesh Sawant or Devika Sequeira that
before one can apply for a passport (at the "Governos Civis" and not - I
repeat - not at the "Conservatoria") one has to have an Identity Card (with
photo and finger print), and to obtain an Identity Card one has to present a
birth certificate, and the latter is issued by the various
"Conservatorias do Registo Civil", depending on where one is registered. The
"Conservatoria dos Registos Centrais" is only for those born outside

Another important point is that, when an individual over 18 years old
apllies for Identity Card for the first time, this means that prior to this
he had a different nationality and therefore he has to present, besides
Birth Certificate, his foreign passport and some other old Identification

Please stop to think that all the delays in the processing of  "Transcricao
de Nascimento" and "Atribuicao de Nacionalidade" are due to all the
forgeries and fake documentation coming from Goa, Daman, Diu, Dadra and
Nagar Haveli. I think Mr. Faleiro should see to it that due care and respect
is given to the Registration Books at the various Registrar's offices in Goa
and (if possible for him) also of the other aforementioned territories where
already records of many people are missing.

It is precisely because of the detection of various forgeries that the
"Conservatoria dos Registos Centrais", once it receives the documentation
(directly in some cases and through the appropriate Consulate in others),
invariably requests the Consulate in Goa to verify and certify the
authenticity of the birth and marriage certificates; and, for that purpose,
the Consulate approaches the respective Registrar's or Sub-registrar's
office in such a way that no forgery is possible. Hence the delay in
processing the documentation till its finalisation, which can take even a
few years.

Earlier, the following had appeared in one of Joel's Goacom Newsclippings:

>DUAL CITIZENSHIP: The debate over Goans acquiring Portuguese citizenship
>under the Portuguese nationality law has turned meaningless with the
>Government of India seriously considering granting of "dual citizenship" to
>people of Indian origin who are now citizens of another country, according
>to former Union minister and MP, Mr Eduardo Faleiro. (NT)

I fail to understand how the Government of India can consider granting of
dual citizenship. The most it can do is to recognise (I stress "recognise")
the right of an NRI or of a PIO to dual citizenship or, to put it in other
words, grant Indian citizenship to those persons of Indian origin who are
already citizens of another country. But this will not solve the problem (if
I may call it so) of those Goans, Damanese, Diuese, Dadraites and Nagar
Haveliites who are already Indian citizens, reside in India and wish to
claim their right to hold Portuguese citizenship as well; does it?


***** CHRISTMAS PARTIES 2002 *****

Dec 14 - Goan Association of New Jersey, Inc., Somerset, NJ, USA
         +1 (732) 599-7644
Dec 21 - GOA-LA, Los Angeles, CA, USA, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
         +1 (714) 821-6168 (late fee on tickets after Dec 10)

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