Ongoing: Exhibition of paintings, Art Chamber, Calangute www.goa-art.com
Dec  14 onwards: Shireen Mody's Goa 2002 exhibition, Arpora. Tel 2276759
Dec  17, 18, 20: Indo-Portuguese furniture, lectures Fundacao  Ph 2230728
Jan  18-19: International kite carnival at Morgim beach, Pernem

My post of December 13 titled "Re: (GOANET) reply to jorge/livia" ended with
«There are a couple more paragraphs of Devika Sequeira's article "Identity
Crisis" (goanet, December 10, 2002) on which I would like to comment. But,
given the length of my present post, I shall do it separately.» Now, these
are the comments I have to offer.

Devika said: «Terrorist Masoo Azad ... and Abu Salem were both found with
Portuguese passports. This in itself revealed the extent to which the system
in Lisbon's Conservatorio (sic) dos Registos Centrais (the Central
Registrar's office), responsible for processing applications, had been
compromised, the MP points out».

My comments: (1) Yes, it is true that those individuals "were both found
with Portuguese passports", but the journalists (intentionally?) failed to
state that, as it was found out, those passports were fake ones. Besides,
Salem was also in possession of Indian and Pakistani passports? Genuine or
fake passports? Your guess is as good as mine. (2) As for "This in itself
...", I suppose that what I said in my post of the 13th must have made it
amply clear that the Conservatoria (and not Conservatorio) dos Registos
Centrais is responsible for processing nationality files (i.e. registration
Honourable MP Eduardo Faleiro certainly knows this. So, if the Conservatoria
dos Registos Centrais is not responsible for processing passport
applications, how can it be deemed to be compromised in the "passport

I refrain myself from developing on the subject of the so-called
'documentation agents' who, as the article "Identity Crisis" reveals, "are
openly advertising their services". I shall only recommend to those who
might feel tempted to avail themselves of those "services": Beware!

When the consular staff say "We have seen Punjabis and even Bangladeshis and
Pakistanis applying under assumed Goan identities, but can do nothing about
it because we are no more than a sorting office to reroute applications to
Lisbon", this is not entirely true, and those staff surely know it. If it is
true that in the first instance they act as a mere "sorting office to
reroute applications to Lisbon", at a later stage they do have a crucial
mission, when they are requested by Lisbon's Conservatoria to verify and
certify the authenticity of the certificates submitted. So, initially the
Goan registrar's and sub-registrar's offices are at fault for issuing those
birth certificates of "assumed Goan identities" to the Punjabis,
Bangladeshis and Pakistanis; but the consular staff can surely "smash" those
certificates when fulfilling their mission of verifying and certifying their
authenticity. Do they do it judiciously? In case they don't, in case they
pass as authentic non-authentic certificates, on what ground can the
Conservatoria of Lisbon refuse to process them?

Devika goes on with «"If they (the Portuguese Government) did that (wind up
the option [for Portuguese citizenship] for Goa, Daman and Diu), they would
have to wind up their consulate in Goa, and this would be seen as an
unfriendly act toward India", says Mr. Faleiro». I wonder how the MP can say
such a thing, for, as a former Union Minister for External Affairs of India,
he must definitely be knowing that dealing with nationality matters is not
the sole nor even the principal mission of a consulate. So, it is not
mandatory that the winding-up of the Portuguese nationality option for the
Goans, Damanese and Diuese would mean the winding-up of the consulate

As regards «a laidback consulate which has achieved close to zero in terms
of trade or culture in this part of India», all I will say is that the
journalist is not doing justice to the present consul-general Miguel
Calheiros Velozo's immediate predecessor Ms. Vera Fernandes who, throughout
her presence in Goa, elicited nothing but praise from the people and the
media. Now that she is no longer there, she is accused of having "achieved
close to zero in terms of trade and culture" and all hopes are pinned on her


***** CHRISTMAS PARTIES 2002 *****

Dec 14 - Goan Association of New Jersey, Inc., Somerset +1 (732) 599-7644
Dec 21 - GOA-LA, Los Angeles, +1 (714) 821-6168

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