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Goa makes prominent Indian photographer keep people out of her pictures

By Frederick Noronha

PANAJI (Goa), Dec 22: Living in a Goan village has shaped her art in
unexpected ways, so much so that prominent Indian photographer Dayanita
Singh has now surprised those familiar with her work by coming out with
photographs that simply don't have people in them.

Singh's latest photographs are black-and-white pics from Mumbai and Goa. She
comments on her work, which go up on exhibition in the beach-village of
Calangute December 23: "It's of spaces without obvious people, as though
people by unseened generations. There are no people in the photographs, yet
they are full of mental energy."

"It is hard to describe one's own work. Hopefully, they force the viewer to
make their own stories, rather than (play the role of) photographs that tell
the whole story as one does in photo-journalism. (Thus they could be) more
engaging," Singh told IANS in an interview. 

She added: I think they are quite evocative. But it's not always clear what
they evoke."

Until Singh visited Goa in 1999, she says she could "never imaging making
images without people". But the change has been drastic. "Now I photograph
clouds!," she says. 

Singh, based in Delhi, has made a name for herself in an otherwise
male-dominanted field, by attracting attention for her feature and
news-based photographs in capitals across the globe. 

A retrospective of the artist's work is planned at the Hamburger Bahnhoff in
the German capital of Berlin next year, along with a book from reputed
publisher Scalo, focussing on the same work. 

"My publisher and guide made the decision of the retrospective after seeing
my Goa images. That's the kind of difference Goa made to my work," she says.

In January 2003, the curator of the Bahnhoff is expected to come to India to
choose some one hundred images for this show. Besides Kolkata, the
lady-curator also is keen to visit Goa "to understand how my work shifted so
drastically in Goa", Singh informed. 

In particular, Singh has been infatuated by the old world charms of a quaint
village called Saligao, which lies just outside the beach-belt. 

Except in recent years when villagers have protested the large quantities of
water being transported from here to the beach-belt, and the dumping of
holidayers garbage nearby, the village has been mainly aloof from the hustle
and bustle of the over-commercialised beach belt. ks

"I don't know how (the curator) would understand the sense of Saligao
without actually living there. I miss Saligao deeply," said Singh.

Incidentally, her 'Goa work' formed a major part at a solo show put up in
the Frith Street Gallery in London during the past year. "I think the Goa
work will always be part of any major show I have," Singh argued.

"Mostly people cannot believe this is Goa. (There are) no beaches, no
colour, just little details, as though hints of something, not quite telling
the whole story. So people get intrigued," says Singh. 

She suggests that someone could infact start 'architectural tours' in a Goa
which is itself struggling to find ways to emerge from its current image of
being a low-budget sand-and-surf tourist destination, to one which could
claim its historical legacy as a meeting place for East and West, both in
the past and possibly in the present. 

Over the past year, her book titled 'Myself Mona Ahmed' was published by
Scalo. It covers 13 years of photographing Mona, an eunuch whom the famed
photographer also sees as her friend.

"The best part for me was that she (Mona) wrote the text for the book
herself, dictated as e-mails to the publisher in Switzerland. So she decided
what was told and how," said Singh. 

The much celebrated Delhi-based photographer also had a show of her work on
the holy city of Varanasi (Benares) at the Ikon Gallery. These included
images from the Anandamayee Ma Ashraam.  Singh also spent a month as
artist-in-residence at the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum. 

Her dream is "Inshallah" (god-willing) to one-day start a museum in Goa. 

Such tours, suggest Singh, could be a way for the interesting and sometimes
grand houses of the region to pay for their maintenance. Some of her plans
in the past were to work on the dream of a museum in Goa, a photo studio and
centre "where I could invite peopl efrom different fields". Singh was at one
stage also contemplating open air film screenings. 

"I also would have liked to make an archive of all the family portraits
existing in Goan homes", she said, adding that her personal plans compelled
otherwise. "Who can fight fate?" she asks. 

Singh broached the idea with the New York-based International Centre of
Photography. They agreed to run their travelling courses out of Goa. "That's
the thing about starting something in Goa (a historic city and now shaping
into a tourist destination known globally). No one says 'no' to coming,"
notes Singh. 

Some of Singh's work is also shown in some of the big names of photography
in cities like Munich and Florida. For the present it is "no India
jamborees", as she put it.  (ENDS)

Ongoing: Exhibition of paintings, Art Chamber, Calangute www.goa-art.com
Dec  19-22: Gauri Divan's studio pottery, Rust, Aguada Rd Ph 2479340
Dec 23-Jan 7: Dayanita Singh's photo exhibition, Art House Tel 2276123
Jan  18-19: International kite carnival at Morgim beach, Pernem

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