
UAE declares amnesty for illegal immigrants

By Mridula Krishna, Indo-Asian News Service

Dubai, Dec 25 (IANS) The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has announced a
long-awaited amnesty for illegal immigrants, including many Indians,
permitting them to leave the country without punishments or fines.

The amnesty will run January 1-April 30.

The official Emirates News Agency said the ministry had extended the
deadline to four months to give illegal expatriates enough time to either
regularise their residency status or leave.

"As part of the ministry of interior's keenness to implement all the
immigration laws, and in view of the presence of large numbers of violators
of the Residency Law, it has been decided that an amnesty be granted to
these violators, provided that they leave the country within a grace period
that will start from January 1 until April 30, 2003," the ministry said in a

The statement said that the ministry would take action against those who
remain in the country at the end of the grace period.

Around 300,000 illegal immigrants are expected to leave under the second
amnesty to be officially declared since 1996. In 1996, about 200,000 illegal
immigrants, including 50,000 Indians, left the country under a six-month
long amnesty.

Earlier this month, Indian Ambassador K.C. Singh said the embassy was ready
to handle the expected rush in emergency certificates, a one-way and
one-time passport for people in UAE without authentic documents to travel to

He had said fewer Indians were expected to avail the amnesty this time.

According to George Joseph, Indian consul general in Dubai, around 35,000
Indians staying in UAE without any valid documents are likely to seek

--Indo-Asian News Service

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