
Our sincere condolences to our Aloysius and Deepika, our regular posters
on GoaNet, on the loss of Hazel, Aloysius's wife and Deepika's mum. We
never met Hazel, but seeing the care and concern in this father-daughter
duo it's more than obvious that she was a great wife and mother.

Burma-returned Aloysius has been active on GoaNet, SaligaoNet and a number
of other Goa-related fora. Deepika, for the few who might not know them,
is a Mumbai-based social activist who has taken up a wide range of
concerns dealing with the environment, the law and the rights of the
marginalised. She represents the younger generation of Goan women, who
fought in a patriarchial society to get their voices heard and contribute
in equal measure as (and often, in greater measure than) their menfolk.

May both of these fine people have the courage to bear the loss of their
dear one, knowing that their work is not going unappreciated! FN

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