
In a message dated 01/03/2003 2:33:37 PM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<<  Hazel has been very ill since August ...  --  we shifted her  to the 
  FOUNDATION for palliative care of cancer patients at Warje, Pune on 
  17th and with their care and attention they were able to relieve the pain 
she was 
  enduring ...   --since December 30th she was in no pain, but the cancer had 
  to her lungs and she had difficulty breathing  --  she breathed her last 
yesterday  --
 January 2nd at 10:00  --  After a Mass at the hospice this morning her
  body  was cremated at Pune  today  --
  We will have the seventh day Mass here at St Stephen's Church and then
  take her ashes down to Goa where they will be interred in the niche at
  Porvorim after Mass, probably on January 26th  >>

Dear Deepika and Aloysius:

Please accept our heartfelt condolences and sympathies on the sad death of 
your mother and wife, Hazel.  

We are born in pain and die in pain -- sometimes relieved by medical 
intervention. But, we believe that there is a Better Life After Death and you 
and other grieving family members should take comfort and solace in this 

Please be assured of our prayers. We are also copying this to the Catholic 
Goan Network <www.catholic-goan-network.net>

Eternal Rest Grant Unto the Soul of Hazel, O Lord, and Let Perpetual Light 
Shine Upon Her. May Her Soul and the Souls of all The Faithful Departed, Rest 
in Peace, AMEN.

Prayerfully yours,

Clare & Pat de Sousa
Maryland, USA
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