
It is indeed objectionable that John Hicks, who ever he is,   has abrogated
to himself,  the  power,  the authority and the responsibility (Navhind
Times  “ My  Views”,Jan3rd 2003) to pass  judgement/lecture the Goans on
their responsibility/irresponsibility  and  how they should conduct
themselves and  their pets.

Mr. Hicks why have you not revealed that in your native UK, not a single
stray dog is permitted to roam free on your beaches, or the streets of
London or any public places, and if any such animal is sighted, it is
immediately  impounded , and held for a limited period until it is claimed
or a home found  for the  animal, and that failing this, after the statutory
holding period, the dog is put to sleep.

Why have you not revealed that because of this enlightened policy, there has
not been any cases of rabies in UK for decades where as,   each year in
India,   almost one hundred, thousand (1,000,00) people,  mostly children
and poor people, die horrible agonizing death from rabies due to stray dog

As  for  the  wonderful  work  being  done  with  the  Mapuca  council,  the
public  should be informed  that  the so  called  ABC-RV   programme,
implemented  in  the manner  that  it  is  being  done    at  present,    is
a  totally  unscientific  programme,  doomed  to  failure  right  from  the
start.  This  has  been forth rightly   and  correctly  exposed  by  no
less  than  the  Director  of  Animal Husbandry,  in  his  interview
published  in  the Navhind  times  on  Nov. 7th  2002,  where in he  has
explained  that   because  of  the  prolific  breeding  capacity  of  dogs,
unless    70%  of  strays  are    sterilized  in  a  six  month  period,
the  programme  is  bound  to  fail.  This is  exactly  what  has happened
wherever  the  ABC-RV    programme  has  been  tried  out, in  India  and
else  where,  for  the last  five  years

The  ABC-RV  programme  can  only  succeed in  SMALL  ISOLATED  COMMUNITIES
TO  BE  A  RISK  OR  NUISANCE.  This  is  not  the  situation  in  Goa,  and
there for  the  ABC-RV   programme  is  a  fraud  committed  on  the people
of  Goa,  by   the  well  heeled  and  well protected,  who  mostly live  in
secure  homes and move about  safely   in vehicles, the  victims  of  the
fraud  being   the  small  children, the  weak,  the  poor,  the
defenceless,elderly  who  walk the  streets  and  suffer  attacks  and
bites  with  the attendant  costs  and  suffering.  It  is  a fraud,  the
price  of  which  is paid  by  the  poor  and  defenceless  with  limb  and

As for the remedial proposal that Hicks speaks about, laws and regulation
for licensing of dogs have existed in Goa from   pre - liberation  years.
All that is a needed is strict enforcement, and incentives for owners to
sterilize their pets.

As for the suggestions calling for laws to make it an offence to abandon an
animal, be informed that such law already exists under Chapter III  Sec 1
(i)  and  (j)  of prevention of cruelty to Animal Act 1960, and that
these  sections   also   apply to the  activities  of  the   PFP & IAR  and
others   who insist on abandoning dogs into the public spaces.

So Mr. Hicks, why don’t you take your views and your dogs back to UK, and
peddle them there instead of forcing yourself on a hospitable  and  tolerant

Aires Rodrigues

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