

We at South Goa Public Interest Action Group a Regd
NGO based in Margao, at 1st Floor Benlix Bldg Opp.
Fatima Convent, Margao Goa India email
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Telephone No: 00-91-0832-2715269,
with jurisdiction over entire South Goa Parliamentary
Constituency; primafacie appreciate the concern of the
citizens of Mormugao, Vascodagama and Sancoale in
Mormugao Taluka over the imminent holocaust,damage to
life and property that can be caused in the event of a
mishap at the petroleum products storage tanks 
located at VascodaGama and after its reported 
shifting to Sancoale plateau.

We also appreciate that there is merit in your
concern, as the threat perception  appears more
imminent with the  post September 11,2001 at USA and
post December 13, 2001 attack on Parliament in India.

It may however please be noted that the attitude of
the Government of India or Goa is invariably, not to
take preventive measures but indulge only in
reactionary or "needful-postmortem" on the occurence
of a catastrophe,or to promise some quick relief
measures and forget the whole episode until the
recurrence of yet another event.

The 3rd December, Union Carbide,  Bhopal  MP India 
gas-tragedy is a grim reminder of this lackadaisical
attitude of the Government of India.

Respect for life is rated below  10% in India. Just
take a look at the compensation rates paid to those
dying on roads and those up in the skies.

Even if a public interest litigation is pursued at
this juncture on a presumptory basis of the likely
damage caused the onus of  burden of proof will lie
with the plaintiff. Unless a full proof case is made
not much can be expected.  The Meta strips Ltd issue
is a case in point.

Thus in our considered opinion the following
pre-requisites will be essential to examine the entire
 gamut of the ill-effects of both the existing
location at VascodaGama and the proposed location at
Sancoale and see how best preventive measures can be
taken to reduce the  holocaust if an unfortunate event
at the site takes place.

List of documents/information required:
a) The survey numbers/site & location plan/ownership
details of the entire property where the petroleum
products storage tanks are
presently(VascodaGama)/proposed to be located
b) The survey numbers/site & location plan/ownership
details of the properties, House Nos and names of
persons (Head of house-hold) residing, within 500
metres around the periphery of the petroleum products
storage tanks;
c) The survey numbers/site & location plan/ownership
details of the properties, where the pipelines from
the VascodaGama end to the proposed Sancoale location;

d) The survey numbers/site & location plan/ownership
details of the properties, House Nos and names of
persons (Head of household) residing within 50 metres
on either side of the pipeline.

The list of names of  persons within 500 metres of the
petroleum products storage tanks and 50 metres on
either side of the pipeline should constitute the CORE
GROUP immediately affected and most vulnerable
segment, in the event of a tragedy;

A questionnaire should be prepared incorporating 
a)the statutory enactments involved, giving the
necessary safeguards needed to be observed or seen to
be violated.
b)the inadequacies if any of the safety measures
visavis the  Goa government "On site and Off-site
Disaster Management Plans" 
c)the nature of threat perceptions (detailed)
d)the necessary measures required to be taken by the
firm or the Government e) etc

Then the views of the above persons residing in the
vicinity should be documented in writing or recorded.

The elected representatives of the wards in the
Municipality/Village Panchayats, the
Chairperson/Sarpanch, the Zilla Panchayat Members the
Chairperson  Zilla Panchayat (South) , MLA's, the
Member of Parliament Communidade bodies, in whose
jurisdiction the above properties fall should then
examining the validity or otherwise  of the grievances
and their  views obtained in writing.

Once these measures are taken, then others who are
concerned will definitely fall in line and pragmatic
steps can be taken to reign in the holocaust threat.

Yours faithfully


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