
On Tue, 21 Jan 2003, Camilo D'Sa wrote:

> The last statement of War is not our savior is very
> true. But it is our protector. Pres. Bush by pressing
> the U.N. to step up and do its job we are finally
> starting to get results from Sadam. The two leading
> inspectors from the U.N. have stated several times
> that Iraq has yet to provide any real evidence that it
> has abandoned any programs of WMD. The world is not
> the same place it was in the last century. We now have
> more threats to deal with and if we sit around and
> wait for them to hit us first we might as well kill
> each and every person now. Peace is always good for
> everyone but how do you get peace when Sadam and his
> regime has failed it own people. How is it that Sadam
> built 17 new palaces while 500,000 Iraqi children
> died. Why did he kill his own son in-laws upon their
> return to Iraq after trying to defect. Why was he the
> only person in Iraq's presidential election. War is
> never a nice process but it does help put a stop to
> tyrants. Malosavich,Hitler and Napoleon are just a few
> people who have done their best to destroy humanity.
> Every citizen of the free world needs to stand up and
> fight evil at its roots.

And here is where we point out to our children the example that watching
too much television has serious effects on your ability to think
rationally and independently.

Tariq Siddiqui
 Rockets Lover!
 Laker Hater !!!

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