
URL             :  http://www.planetfriendly.net/emailtips.html

   (1) Avoid sending attachments or HTML e-mail
   What's wrong with sending attachments?
   Many people ignore attachments - simply because of the extra time and
   effort involved in saving and opening them. Many lists and e-groups
   strip off the attachment or bounce the message entirely. In addition,
   attachments are slower to download, waste disk space, and overload
   e-mail accounts - causing current and future messages to be rejected.
   They are notorious for carrying computer viruses (whether or not you
   have virus protection software). Also, they exclude anyone who does
   not have the required (corporate) software, and the knowledge of how
   to save files and find them in different folders on their hard disk.
   By sending attachments you are supporting the very corporatization/
   monopolization that you may be trying to resist in your other efforts.
   More reasons not to send Microsoft Word attachments:
   Reasons not to send attachments in general:
   Fourteen reasons not to send HTML e-mail
   More on attachments: [20]www.planetfriendly.net/attachments.html ...
   (2) Send Plain Text e-mail
   The preferred approach is to send plain text, also known as
   "unformatted" or "ASCII" text. No attachments; no HTML; no "rich
   text"; no "MIME". Plain text is fast, effective, accessible to anyone
   who has an e-mail account, and can even look quite good, if done
   How to write plain text e-mail using Word, Wordpad, or Notepad
   more related tips: [22]http://bcn.boulder.co.us/~neal/attachments.html
   How to set your e-mail software to send only plain text
   How to disable HTML in a few popular e-mail programs
   How to convert an existing Word document to plain text
   (including how to copy and paste)
   How to change the font of incoming mail in Outlook 97/98/2000
   [27]www.slipstick.com/mail1/changefont.htm (this must be done by the
   recipient of the message; the sender has no control over the font
   because plain text is by definition unformatted)

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