Hello there Bernado
You have hit the nail right on the head! my friend, these are double standards of the Indian Government.  It is also a reminder to all the Indians and other Goans who are not aware that in the annexation of Goa, it was in fact annexation and not liberation that the Indians make it believe.  History cannot be changed.  All Indians to take cognizance of this fact!  The Goans had no say in choosing their future when India annexed Goa in 1961.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 9:07 AM
Subject: [GOANET] Condemning the US!

Aren't the views of  the Indian Minister hypocritical in condemning the US intentions, when his own country ignored the UN resolutions 1514 (XV), 1541 (XV) and 1542 (XV) and annexed Goa, Daman and Diu in 1961?

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