
Hi Guys! 
                        RE: "tuka kittem lagta?" - meaning "how does it
affect you?"

Thanks for waking up!  For a time the comments on Bush and Saddam were
getting to be .same old. same old .same old!  Now there is a new target.
Shoot the messenger! And while most people in the world do it, some
Goans (no names please) have made it into an art form.

There is a serious situation in the Middle East.  The world (especially
Ashcroft, Pointdexter and Condelliza Rice) want to know the Goan angle.
So in all seriousness give them (the world) and me the Goan angle.
Goans in the Middle East:
The anguish of Goans working in countries in the Middle East. 
How many will temporarily be out of a job? 
How many if any will be requested to leave and from which countries?
What should Goans do with their bank accounts and other fixed and liquid

Goans in Goa:
How will Goa and India be specifically affected if war breaks out?
How will exports and imports to the Middle East be affected?
What is being done to prepare for such a situation?
What are the experiences learnt from the last war? 
How should that experience help?
Should Goans in Goa be doing something practical as a precaution? 
How should Goa prepare for the influx of repatriates, if it occurs?

Goans in the West:
Should Indians lobby their respective Governments to give immigration
priority to "Middle East Asian-Indians" who have been displaced by the
war and become refugees.

I am sure in each category there may be other issues which this slow
thinker does not get. Hence cyberGoans (the cream of Goan thinkers)
should brainstorm on practical aspects of scenarios A, B, C.  My concern
is: Except for one or two, are Goans substituting action and deep
thinking with "just mouthing off"?  So cyberGoans should perhaps scratch
their heads and not crack their heads with the Iraq war.  If one insists
on doing the latter, I will not give you my helmet. When we were in
college in Bombay (Mumbai - I do not want to start another discussion!),
we classified some sincere friends as NATO (No Action Talk Only)! So
please continue the Goan perspective on the Iraq war. Please remember
your target (not the messenger!). Responders please identify as NATO or
non-NATO members (Just kidding!). Regards GL (definitely NATO)

P.S. Any cyberGoans interested in the non-macho subject that was
recently in the Goan news "The school dropout rate is high in Goa". I am
all eyes! 

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