
Message from Stephanie Mendes
The next meeting of Goan Engineers/Professionals is scheduled for Sunday,
February 9, 2003 at11:00am at the Pickering Nuclear Information Centre at
the Pickering Nuclear Generating Station. See the map at
If you are driving east on Montgomery Park Road, turn right to go towards
the station. The Information Centre is on the left. There are visitor signs
posted that should lead you right there.

Again, I encourage you to bring along your spouse/partner, friends, or
children who may be
interested in a career in an engineering or related field. There will be a
small collection to pay for
the refreshments/lunch that will be available. Please RSVP myself at
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to confirm if you will be attending and how many
people you will be bringing. The agenda will be provided at a later date but
will include networking, career planning, professional development, getting
a job, health &safety in the workplace.
I hope to see you all there!
Stephanie Mendes

Posted by JJD'S

Any Goan related business or professional organization is invited to send a
small information kit for distribution to the attendees. This could take the
form of a business card, or a one-page flier of their services or products.
Those interested please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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