

The People?s Movement for Civic Action (PMCA) had an Extraordinary General 
Body Meeting on Thursday, January 23, 2003 to discuss the recently passed 
City of Panaji Corporation Act, 2002.

Recent statements emanating from Official sources, including the Chief 
Minister, Mr. Manohar Parikkar, have caused both concern and consternation 
among the general public.

The passing of the City of Panaji Corporation Bill by the Goa Legislative 
Assembly without soliciting the opinions of the Panchayats concerned, has 
been universally and vehemently condemned by the respective Panchayats which 
are sought to be included in the ambit of the proposed City of Panaji 
Municipal Corporation. Even more disturbing is the fact that the Panjim 
Municipal Council, which is sought to be upgraded to a Corporation, was not 
consulted by the Government before it tabled this Bill in the Assembly and 
had it passed. Such an attitude is unprecedented and bodes ill for the future 
of democracy in Goa. 

The Chief Minister is reported to have stated that he will go ahead with the 
formation of the Municipal Corporation of Panaji, but that he will leave it 
to the Panchayats to decide whether they want to become part of the 
Corporation. If this is true, it makes a complete mockery of the Rule of Law. 

It has never been heard of anywhere in the world that a piece of Legislation 
is enacted which allows citizens to decide whether they want to be covered by 
the Legislation or not. A Law is either applicable or not. It is not left to 
the discretion of the citizens to decide whether it will apply to them or 
not. Statements such as those reported in the media about the coverage of 
this particular legislation only add to the general perception that the 
Government is either ignorant about, or is callous about the sanctity of 

The inherent contradictions in the legislation, reinforced by official 
pronouncements, only add to the disrespect for the Law, which is widely 
prevalent among the citizenry.   While, on the one hand, the legislation 
seeks to bring within the ambit of the Municipal Corporation far-flung 
Panchayat areas, on the other hand it seeks to exclude areas which are 
presently part of the Panjim Municipal Council.  There is no explanation for 
this gross contradiction in the official position of the Government of Goa. 
If Taleigao can be allowed to opt out of the Corporation limits, why can't 
Ribandar be allowed the same option?   

The meeting, chaired by Mr. Averthanus D?Souza, Vice President of the 
People's Movement for Civic Action, was addressed by Advocate Ms. Agni, who 
presented an overview of the legislation and indicated the inherent 
contradictions contained in it. 

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