
Dear GoaNetters:

I have proposed the setting up of a newsgroup dealing with Goa 
(soc.culture.indian.goa) on Usenet. This proposal is currently at the 
'RFD' (request-for-discussion) stage on news.announce.newgroups and the 
news.groups and related groups.

You can also find the details at 

You can also search or locate newsgroups at http://groups.google.com

If this proposal is accepted, a specifically Goa-related newsgroup could 
complement existing initiatives at highlighting Goa in cyberspace. 

Please check out the above newsgroup or URL and send in your suggestions, 
criticism or comments on the proposal. 

Frederick Noronha    : http://www.bytesforall.org : When we speak of free
Freelance Journalist : Goa India 403511           : software we refer to
Ph 0091.832.409490   : Cell 0 9822 122436         : freedom, not price.

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