Yes All You Mirsang ZONNCARS, relatives and wellwishers!
 The Aldona Association London has a new comittee that has planned some new and exciting options for the year ahead,but we need your feedback...UKaldoncar's!
A questionaire has been compiled and your suggestions are urgently needed.Please mail me or the dynamic author for a copy.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
He is also updating and crosschecking our membership records so please forward this mail to any aldoncars you know as we can only contact you if you give us your current address.
Concerned Aldonacars worldwide may not be aware that the parish vicar is currently in a race against time to collect funds to repair the facade of the church,Repairs to the leaking roof and the walls of the adjoining halls and residential quarters,I have his appeal that I will forward to you on request,Please do not let the parish down.
I along with others i'm sure have  fond memories of that center of our social/religious life in Aldona,The adventures to be had in exploring the bobdant[belfry] at vespers should not be denied to our children....Hey Hey.. Go on its over to you now..
Martin Moniz

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