

During my recent visit to Goa I had an opportunity to attend some functions. One by one, in this forum I shall give my observation on same.

The first function that I attended was the 36th Mando Festival at Kala Academy Auditorium, Panaji on 4th January. The auditorium was packed to capacity, there were 19 groups participating in this year’s festival including children groups. Though all the groups performed well yet the greatness of yesteryears’ was missing very much, there was no charm as we used to witness and enjoy some years back. The quality of traditional Mandos was poor while that of original good. The best performance award given to Merxechim Sallkam was deserving as their presentation and singing was really of high standard, besides their language was really genuine Konkani as against the Anglicised Konkani of many of the other groups including that of Junior groups. Earlier Portuguese speaking Goan “Bamonn Bhattkars” were accused of despising Konkani but with all their such defects they at least used to pronounce Konkani in its true form and not the way the current semi literate artificial Anglicised Goan Bamonn pronounce Konkani as “Konglish”. It is this category of Goans who are responsible to degrade the image of Konkani and this category of Goans was very much seen on the stage participating in this year’s Mando Festival.

While comparing this year’s Mandos with that of earlier ones especially of sixties and seventies one could easily notice the greatness in earlier Mandos. Current Mandos and Dulpods and Operas lacked solid punch in them, including the musical score of earlier Mandos was very rich befitting to the Mandos tradition. This year I noticed lot of Violinists including youth and females but surely one missed the majestic Violinist Johnson from Siolim playing majestically for Congottchim Lahram and later on Candolimchim Kirnam. In singing original as well as traditional Mandos I could not see any group coming closer to Congottchim Lahram by great Fausto Andrade assisted by Souza Giaum. In presentation there was not a single group who could out beat the Mapusa group led by Cordeiros. On the traditional Gumott, none of the current Gumottkar could play the way the grand old man of Curtorkars played. From mid eighties Mandos went into the hands of ordinary tiatrists and commoners who lacked proper knowledge of real Mandos. It is these nouveau Mandoists who lowered the greatness of Mandos and if this trend is not arrested now then Mando will lose its pristine greatness, charm and beauty. I remember once the great Mandoist Cruz Noronha saying that "we must teach the present generation of Mando singers how to compose and sing Mando". Unfortunately Cruz died and gone and his idea was never put into practice. In 1958 when he came to Goa for a short holiday, he was requested by the then Emissora de Goa to record some of his best Mandos and to oblige Emissora de Goa, Cruz Noronha recorded 10 Mandos/Dulpods at the rate of Rs. 50/- which was the best rate offered that time.

During those days attending the Mando Festival means great honour. The audience was not coming from the Zagor, Sangodd and Tiatro attendance category who are known to say “Ush – Ush” and Whistle – whistle. That time the members of the audience used to wear Tie and Suit as against the current T-Shirt ones. During those days the audience was traditionally and intellectually rich. The Chief Guest used to come with formal dress code with due respect to the greatness of the function as against this year’s guest of honour Minister Micky Pacheco who attended the function wearing ordinary T-Shirt, Jean Pant and boots while his cabinet colleague Babush Monsurate brought high prestige to Mando Festival by coming in decent Suit. The greatness of Mando Festival also lies in greatness of the attending audience. Next time the organizers should be very careful in inviting chief guest and guest of honour that do not know the value of time. Indian Ministers are known to behave like feudal lords and Maharajas once they are inducted into the cabinets, they do not know to adhere to the timings given to them. Because of one or two fake dignitaries the entire audience should not be made to wait for the start of the function as it happened this time.

As usual Dr. Bikaji Ganecar compeered the proceedings beautifully but his colleague Mrs. Amita Salatry lowered the image of Mando Festival by compeering the great Mando Festival with cheap and sexually perverted jokes. Using the words like ladies panties etc is really lowering the prestige of Mando Festival about which I am sure Salatry knows nothing. And by the way these type of Salatrys should be kept away from Mando Festival by the organizers. The affairs of Mando Festival should be handled by the Mandekars and not by Salatrys whose knowledge of Mando and that of the taste of audience is poor. Mando audience is not the audience of Hindi movies and Marathi Nattoks. I don’t know why the organizers mixing these non-Mandoist into Mando culture. Is it to prove fakingly that Mandekars are more secular? Secularism is not the point here, the point is core of the subject as understood by great Dr. Bikaji Ganecar who is associated with Mando Festival since its inception in 1965. Even the other non-Mandekar compeer Shashikant Sardesai should be kept at distance because he is good for Marathi Nattok as he is very good in shouting and showing Hindi culture on Konkani platform.

For this year’s function like last time, Kuwait Konknni Kendr rendered its patronage in the form of prize money while rest of the expatriate Goans who are shouting at the top of their voices claiming their Goan-ness failed to support the event. It is a pity that none of the other Goan associations spread all around the world gave any contribution for the promotion of such a marvelous Goan traditional and cultural function. While on this topic, besides KKK, Agnelo Gomes from USA allocated about 5 laks of rupees purely for the patronage of Mando Festival in Goa. But according to one source, inspite of Agnelo’s instruction none of the members of the Mando Festival organizers tried to get this fund released. Is it because the organizers are gone crazy to refuse patronage or there is some goof somewhere? I am really surprised why such a beautiful offer was not utilized by the organizers of the Mando Festival. I insist that Philip Dias or Isac Dias from the organizing committee should come out with real truth behind this sad episode. In one way to beg for funds and in other way to refuse it is something dilemmatic. Agnelo Gomes is a charitable man and a philantropist too, he is all for Goa and Goan causes. By neglecting his good offer Mando Festival organisers should not give an impression of demoralising Agnelo Gomes. By giving such donations he is not promoting himself in Goa to contest the election in the local Panchayat or Municipality. By giving such a fatty donation he is not making a big show. The organizers of Mando Festival should come out with their version so that people should know the truth as people are alrady aware of Agnelo Gomes' donations for this cause. Mando Festival is not only the baby of few people involved in organizing this festival, we are also responsible for its promotion and protection in one way or the other. Our involvement is not to gain cheap publicity by impressing upon the Ministers to get their doles to promote our personal interests.

A.Veronica Fernandes,

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