
In a message dated 02/01/2003 0:09:39 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< You started this two years back If I remember it
 right. Dont you have some of the files sent to you
 earlier? May be you can supply Vincent with the ones
 you have. Thank you for your past committment and
 Vincent too,to carry it out in future. Good luck. >>

Hi Wilson and All:

No, I did not start it, but took over the Goanet Celebrations List from 
Eustaquio Santimano. I believe Anil D'Souza deserves credit for having 
started it :-)

Perhaps you may have overlooked my following Goanet Posting:

Sub: Re: [GOANET] 1137 members- how many take active debate with Goan Issues??

In a message dated 01/21/2003 10:39:49 AM EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Nice to see volunteers, like Vincente, attempt to restart Goanet's 
 Celebrations List. The program fizzled out when I could not open the 
 stored on my 3"x5" diskette -- one of the nuances of computer crashes :(
 It would, of course, be nice if Goanet had more participators than 
 Viva Goanet:
 Pat de Sousa >>

Earlier, I provided a detailed response to Herman Carneiro, Goanet's founder, 
upon his request.

Now, regarding Goa Chat Line, how does one access this vital link? Previously 
I used to enter Goanet's Chat Line on Yahoogroups, and found that I was 
chatting with myself. The new Goanet 2003 at Yahoogroups eliminated the chat 
line :(

Thanks and Best Wishes:

Pat de Sousa


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